I agree with , Friday, Ice Cube, and that sister is the one from Sanford and Son, his sis in law. What did she call them as they walked away from the house.........."Lazy ass........MFers!!!!!!!" It was funny!!!
what's your favority JW reference from a movie or TV ?
by itsallgoodnow 35 Replies latest jw friends
got my forty homey?
I remember my Mother in her JW brain washed mind would say that such references were GOOD for the society because it would cause un believers to get curious and then learn the "truth" and get baptized!
Hey, thanks Hollywood! You just increased the membership by another million!
Phamtom beat me to it, the "Land Shark" bit had to be the greatest. LOL funny
Oh, yes homey, I remember that stuff too! that's just wishful thinking!
Next they'll be doing parts on the service meeting .... knock knock knock, "hello we were speaking to folks in the neighborhood today..." householder cuts in with "hey, Leno said something the other night about you guys, can you tell me more?" which of course leads to an acceptance of a free home bible study. They should really do that, make it more realistic, ya know?
got my forty homey?
She said"Well F(* you you half dead lookin MF!" Come on sista!
also, while they do not mention JWS, "King of the HIll" (i love that show) has Peggy, Hank's wife, coming out of the house and 2 well dressed men carrying bookbags are comiing up to the door ,and she says"No thank u, Gentlemen, I'm not in the market for a new religion"
So it could have been a poke at jws and the mormons.
The movie Clue had one at one of the endings. The FBI dective comes to the door dressed in a cheap suit (but he has a beard) shouting about armageddon, holding magazines.
Another reference from the simpsons that I liked is where marge was bored and she talked the dub's ears off and they escaped from her while she turned her back on them.
I seriously doubt that people will turn to this religion after seeing these kind of scenes.
roflmao! these are hilarious. love the simpsons and exfiles and python, of course.
a recent one: on queer eye for the straight guy, a guy who hardly leaves his apartment to meet women is told by carson kressley "maybe some hot jehovah witness will come to the door and be the love of your life."
the one i like is not really funny but poignant.
from clint eastwood's movie, "a perfect world" starring kevin costner. he plays a "bad guy" who takes a little jw boy as a hostage. along the way he finds out that the little boy had never gone trick or treating at halloween and had always wanted a costume. so despite himself he finds himself bonding to this little kid and buys him a ghost costume which he wears for the duration. the little jw boy actually turns out to be his undoing since in the end he can't bring himself to harm him.
run dont walk
Married with Children :
Al, Peg, Kelly and Bud are planning their Halloween night for treats, and decide to ring on a neigbors door, Bud says but he won't answer, Al says well we will see how much he likes it, people ringing his doorbell. (something to that effect, my wife laughed her head off, the first time she saw the episode)