I Got An Email From A "Brother"

by silentlambs 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    first email.......

    Yes, don't be a silentlamb. Speak out WHEN people are doing the
    molesting, not years later.

    That is ridiculous for an adult to say that when they were a child, someone molested her/him. Children are not traumatized by that. It is the parents and law enforcement and social workers who tell them that they should be and must be traumatized by that.

    second email......

    It is ridiculous for people to complain to and about the organization
    for what another has done. It is even more ridiculous when there is only one witness for an INCIDENT. It is even more ridiculous when that person complaining is the one responsible for it. TELL THESE PEOPLE THAT THEY SHOULD NOT BE PUTTING THEMSELVES OR OTHERS IN POSITIONS TO WHERE THEY COULD BE MOLESTED. Does not the organization say that people should not be alone together?

    It is ridiculous to say that an elder molested this person. AN ELDER OR ANYONE SHOULD NOT BE ALONE WITH ANYONE'S CHILDREN BUT HIS OWN. So hey, if it happens the people put him up to it.

    It is a great policy that they need two witnesses to do anything. In fact they should have proof of more than testimony of complainers. Did you know that there are many people convicted of crimes by the testimony of complaintants alone? And that they are innocent. Some have been exonerated by DNA evidence. This policy is from the Bible because Jehovah realized that people in their complaints are wrong just as they complained about him.

    It is a great policy that they don't report things to the police as the police can only mess things up. I would not report anything to the police even if someone molested my wife. The police are the molesters.

    i recieved these two emails a few days ago. i am sure this "brother" is giving an opinion that certain misguided ones hold dear. how can you help people like this? if you would like to reason with him, his email is [email protected] i personally do not think you will make much progress.

  • Seeker
    That is ridiculous for an adult to say that when they were a child, someone molested her/him. Children are not traumatized by that. It is the parents and law enforcement and social workers who tell them that they should be and must be traumatized by that.

    Such ignorance is appalling. I find myself at a lack of words, for the emotions that are surging through me at reading this.

  • LovesDubs

    SL I believe that this man IS a pedophile! He goes point for point down the reasoning chart of someone placing the blame on the VICTIMS saying that they "shouldnt be alone" or "brought it on themselves" and that its GOOD they need two witnesses and its GOOD they dont tell the police! What freak would sit there and say a 2 year old BROUGHT IT ON THEMSELVES? And what FREAK would say that a little girl should be in FEAR of her father or Uncle Charlie??

    Yep...he is one.

  • Maximus

    I think it came from one of the four still on the governing body. Guess which one?

    Mmmmm, come to think of it, Farkel could reinstate one of his old trivia games. Name God's spokemen, left to right:


  • Victor_E

    This is one example of social denial, this is the same phenomena that occurs in a real abusive family environment. The family members just pretend that it is not happening and they construct another reality.

    I have seen and dealt with many situations where the congregation acted like a highly dysfunctional family, playing out patterns of denail and repression, in times of shock.

    Things that should not happen in their "spiritual paradise" are just denied so much so that if the victim speaks out, the victim is victimized by those in power, much like a tyrnanical alcoholic with his family.

    The stories I could tell you of abuse in the "spiritual paradise"

  • Maximus

    ::much like a tyrnanical alcoholic with his family

    Victor, you have put your finger on the precise model of the Bethel family today whether Patterson or Brooklyn, starting with the alcoholic Judge! That's the dirty little secret.

    No one knew whether s/he would be hit or hugged. Knorr fostered this attitude, and it's been perfected into an art form. It's still the culture of the dysfunctional family that has become the abusive, dysfunctional organization. Those in the field like COs and DOs build their own resentments from the floggings they get, and on goes the dysfunction pervasively. Denial? It's the hallmark, as is repression.

    You and I both could tell some stories. And I will one of these days.


  • VeniceIT

    Hmmm Looks to me Fred's got a brother!!!


  • sf

    Holy Kripe Maximus!! If that picture is any indiKation of the Real You, well, um...mmmmmmmmmm! hahahahaha

    And it just so happens I was about to sit and eat my southern baked crispy chicken when I scrolled and captured the image you posted. I will try to retain my appetite.


  • Roamingfeline

    LovesDubs, I do believe you are correct. I got the same impression as I was reading through his letters. He was trying to justify his own actions.


  • think41self


    You are truly a kind soul, to ask for help in reasoning with such a one. Anyone who would use the reasoning he has, that you shouldn't be alone with anyone's children but your own, that you need two or more witnesses to any complaints, that it is the adults who convince the child that they are traumatized.....OMG! I don't want to reason with him, I want to lock him up in a dark room for a month.

    He sounds like he himself is in denial, as either a perpetrator, or a victim who doesn't want to admit anything bad happened. And his line of reasoning totally falls apart when it is the parent or other trusted family member who is the one doing the molesting! [8>]

    I personally wouldn't waste my time on him. But then, you're a better man than I am.


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