Poll for the men. Women feel free to comment.

by FlyingHighNow 26 Replies latest social relationships

  • Bryan

    • Are you currently married or coupled to/with a American/Canadian/British/European/Scandinavian who is also a white/caucasion woman? Yes. French
    • Are you happily or unhappily married/coupled? Extremely happy!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Why are you happy or unhappy in your marriage/couple? We are soul mates. MArried 5 1/2 years, together 7 1/2 and have never had a fight!
    • If you are happy or unhappy in your marriage/relationship, does it have anything to do with the race, background or culture of your wife/partner? Or is it her as an individual that keeps your interest or doesn't keep it? The individual, though I have been married twice before with American borg girls. The European attitude is different. Both my last wives love to fight over money.
    • If you are man who is divorced from a white/caucasion woman, do you date white/caucasion women now? Do you exclusively date women of other races? N/A
    • If you date women of other races and cultures, do you do it because they are subservient? N/A
    • How many of you guys prefer an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman of any culture to a subservient woman of any culture? My wife has more education than I, makes more money I do, and doesn't need NEED me. I love it. We WANT each other.
    • Are there any non white men here prefer white women over other races and cultures of women? If so, please tell us why. N/A



  • Maverick

    Do I get royalties?

    To answer your questions see my thread on interracial dating.

    I will saw that most all women have something very attractive and unique about them. This is what I focus on. But often their bad points come screeming through and spoil the view! Maverick

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sassy, I have read your posts and I can tell that though you are an American woman AND you know exactly how to treat a man. I have a feeling that any of your ex guys probably think about you often and smile.

    Maxwell, thank you for your perspective. It's nice to hear a black man say there are other reasons black men date white women than status. It's also interesting that some black men perceive us as being more docile. I respect black women for the strength that they display. They have the disadvantage in this world of being women in a man's world.On top of that they have the disadvantage of being black in a society that tends to oppress them for their blackness.

    Izz, sorry to hear things did not work out for you. Personally, I think non-pioneer men are far more sexy than pioneer men. I can't understand why anyone would give up sex over a turned down pioneer application. Sex is one thing that makes being a JW bearable. My ex took that away from me, too. That was the beginning of the end of our marriage.

    Brian, it's so cool to see all those exclammation points. Extreme happiness is a good thing.

    I will sawy that most all women have something very attractive and unique about them. This is what I focus on. But often their bad points come screeming through and spoil the view! Maverick

    This is true of all human beings. Thanks for comin' on over to my thread for a comment.

    So, so far, I am not seeing an overwhelming condemnation of white women, American or otherwise. We aren't so inept at male/female relationships as some think we are.


  • WhyNow2000
    How many of you guys prefer an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman of any culture to a subservient woman of any culture?

    This got to be a typo. 1. By your question, you are assuming that an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman can't be subservient. What about a woman who posses all this qualities who CHOOSES to be subservient in order to survive in a certain culture? 2. Explain what is a subservient woman? 3. I cant imagine anyone would answer to this question anything but YES

  • FlyingHighNow
    This got to be a typo. 1. By your question, you are assuming that an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman can't be subservient. What about a woman who posses all this qualities who CHOOSES to be subservient in order to survive in a certain culture? 2. Explain what is a subservient woman? 3. I cant imagine anyone would answer to this question anything but YES WhyNow2000

    WhyNow2000, you must have skipped this comment made by me (look below for my quote or scroll up to find the whole comment)

  • How many of you guys prefer an intelligent, confident, independent and loving woman of any culture to a subservient woman of any culture?

    You assume a woman can't be all of those things.

  • Sure a woman can be all these things if she chooses to be. There are Dom/Sub relationships between very intelligent people. This is not what I mean by subservient. I am talking forced, learned cultural subservience.

    When I am talking subserivience I mean:

    Main Entry: sub·ser·vi·ent
    Pronunciation: -&nt
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: Latin subservient-, subserviens, present participle of subservire
    Date: 1632
    1 : serving to promote some end
    2 : useful in an inferior capacity : SUBORDINATE
    3 : obsequiously submissive : TRUCKLING
    - sub·ser·vi·ent·ly adverb
    synonyms SUBSERVIENT, SERVILE, SLAVISH, OBSEQUIOUS mean showing or characterized by extreme compliance or abject obedience. SUBSERVIENT implies the cringing manner of one very conscious of a subordinate position . SERVILE suggests the mean or fawning behavior of a slave . SLAVISH suggests abject or debased servility . OBSEQUIOUS implies fawning or sycophantic compliance and exaggerated deference of manner .Pronunciation Key© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated
    Merriam-Webster Privacy Policy

    Part of the definition above implies slavary and slavary doesn't usually involve an individual who is independent and free to do anything they want, go anywhere they choose to go, etc.

    Maybe I should go back and edit the question for the nitpickers.


  • stillajwexelder

    Stilla, awwww why don't you date? You must love your wife even though you aren't happy with her being a JW. Otherwise you might be tempted to date and give her her scriptural freedom. And see, anglo chicks aren't always a bad time.


    I would - I think for the right woman -- I love all women - I tend to prefer white (especially Anglo -Saxon-Scandinavian) but hispanic can be very sexy -

  • FlyingHighNow
    I would - I think for the right woman -- I love all women - I tend to prefer white (especially Anglo -Saxon-Scandinavian) but hispanic can be very sexy -

    I know what you mean about the right person being a temptation. Hispanic people are very beautiful people. I hate it though that they are not portrayed as intelligent in the media. This is changing though. There is the series on PBS and I noticed that Cheech Marin has a good role on judging Amy. I don't tend to be attracted to people who aren't fairly intelligent and I feel like the media image of hispanic, that is Americans who come from Mexican, Puerto Rican, Middle and South American heritage peoples is mostly insulting to them.


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