I had no idea that they "went on with the show" after Lloyd Barry collapsed! How despicable! They even canceled opening day in baseball that one time the umpire collapsed and died.
Circuit Assembly experience...
by No Apologies 27 Replies latest jw friends
Truly sad ...
franklin J
do I hear a LAWSUIT in the works?
Can't you just feel the love! ??
Lawsuit, now there's an idea. If you try to help the person, will the sue you? I would think the Good Samaritan Law would apply. Are JWs supposed to sue each other?
So many JWs are trained not to think for themselves. They probably expected the attendants to do something.
There was a time that the attendants were trained to help people find a seat, especially when they were coming in late and the seating was crowded. Not any more. They are just glorified head counters or empty seat counters. Some attendants stand in the lobby and hand out schedules.
Maybe security is supposed to be in charge of accidents/injuries. Those are the nerds with the walkie talkies strutting around, usually weighing in at 250 pounds. My husband overhead one talking with another brother about the skimpy clothing certain sisters had on, alerting them to be sure not to miss the view.
franklin J
as for LAWSUIT...
what I was refereing to is:
can the Grandmother sue the owners of the building ( likely the WTS) for an usafe situation; tripping over a microphone chord or whatever she tripped over. I am sure no other JWs have anything worth suing for....but the WTS has deep pockets.... and they are aware of such a situation and must have insurance to cover such events.
I hope some of the studies that attended an assembly for the first time got an eyeful of that....
can the Grandmother sue the owners of the building ( likely the WTS) for an usafe situation
Franklin J, she was the legal right to do so. Will it enhance her standing in the WTS? No. JWs who sue the Society are looked down on as troublemakers. I know of one congregation where a JW fell down and permanently damaged parts of the legs due to improper handling of the ice by the front door of a KH. The JW sued and it has been a battle with the WTS ever since. The WTS advises the elders to selttle for a paltry amount and this person will not because it has affected their ability to work permanently. Probably Armageddon will be here before it gets settled (smile). This JW is viewed as greedy troublemaker by the elders.