Over the past few days I've been reading and watching Bill and Melinda Gates speak about their plans for a better world by 2030. They bet that due to technology and the compassion of people the world should improve more in the next 15 years than it has in all of history. Specifically lower child mortality rate, eradication of polio and Guinea worm among other diseases, improvement of standards of living, greater access to education etc.
I'm a realist, so I'm not looking for miracles, but I believe most of these things are possible given the level of success they have reaped in other endeavors, and naturally emerging tech being used to make some of these projections possible.
You can see that the world is actually improving in many areas if you seek out the good news stories and statistics and look beyond the Watchtower friendly fear porn about terrorism, and potential dangers from culturally diverse nations around the globe. For instance 2014 had the lowest fatal airline accident rate in history despite the hyping of the ill fated Malaysian Airlines crashes. (Yes, they were horrible tragedies and I don't discount that for one second.)
In light of those projections, what do you think the Watchtower / JW.org will be like in 15 years (2030)?
(116 years after the 'kingdom started to rule')
Here are some links to watch / read on the matter.