One more try...Thought I would add a bit more to my earlier comment. Just to clarify, I am not opposed in any way to the jobs in my first comment. In fact in the area where I am living the service type jobs are some of the most high paying ones. I presently have 1 part time housekeeping job, which pays better than my other self employed ?creative jobs?.
While these jobs are fine and honorable and even profitable, at many times these careers are chosen at many times by the JWs as a result of limited choices, because of lack of education. And while these jobs are not bad choices and are satisfying to some?there are others who would rather have others choices, but aren?t encouraged to seek other skills.
While the attitude towards education is changing in some areas?(maybe more in the cities) there are still places, such as where I presently live where JWs still frown upon education.
I know this for a fact because of my daughter?s choice (though she was not a baptized witness, nor heading in that direction). Her college choice was frowned upon and I, as her mother, was lectured up one side and down the other and even told by an elder that ?we? (?we? sounded like he was referring to the whole Org) have found that instead of going to college it is more beneficial to start your own business. (He had a cleaning business) Maybe it is different in some areas, but quite honestly these cleaning and janitorial jobs are the majority of what I have seen witnesses encouraged to do.
I wanted my daughter to have an education whether she chose to be a witness or not?not that I was opposed to her being a window washer or a housekeeper (she actually does this work too) but because of wanted her to have the opportunity of choices in her life.
I saw that women have fewer choices in careers, especially in the Org and the only way that many of them could get ahead was to get married and they usually did at a young age.
Another sad state of affairs that I began to see over the years has to do with the senior citizens in the Org.
Many of them had worked for years at low paying or self employed jobs and are now struggling because they have not saved anything up for the future, nor do they receive any retirement pay , etc?(following the admonition ? to not be storing up treasures upon the earth?)
To me the Org seems to encourage these service and trade jobs and promotes them as ?humble work.?. I have seen other careers viewed as haughty. This is the message I read in the WT magazines over the years. I feel this is part of the whole mind set of humble service to the Org.?just keep on working?especially if it is of benefit to the Org. The maintenance on the KH and other buildings are done by the JWs?the professional carpet cleaner?the window washers, etc. Construction/Trade work is also promoted and many of these brothers willing offer their services for free to the Org The Org benefits and profits the most from these sorts of skills, thus it is logical they would be promoting them too.
At one point an elder gave my daughter a little bit of career counceling?suggested she if she did chose a career chose one that would be of the most benefit to the Org?so she could then be used by the Org.
OK?getting off my soapbox here