It takes time (usually several years for most folks), to attain a certain level of inner peace about leaving the Watchtower Society and all its psychological baggage. It?s a process we all go/grow through and just because you haven?t attained the perfect balance yet doesn?t preclude you from enjoying the success that you have attained, so far. Anyway here are a few I thought of myself. I?m sure that given other people?s experiences they could think of a few.
You?re no longer threatened or intimidated by words like, apostate or Armageddon.
You?ve found the balance between hating the Watchtower Society and loving the JW.
You have no guilt on any level about having left the Watchtower organization.
You have no fear on any level about having left the Watchtower organization.
You come to understand that the Watchtower Society would be the last organization on this green earth that God would choose to represent Himself. So there?s no need to worry.
You?ve come to peace within yourself concerning those family member?s who have decided to disassociate themselves from you, albeit mother or father or sister or brother. That?s their choice and life goes on without them.
If you (or someone you?re responsible for) need(s) a blood transfusion, you don?t have any nagging Watchtower ?pop-ups? in your mind from the ?old days?. You make your decision rationally and on the facts concerning your particular situation.
When you drive by a Kingdom Hall, you feel pity and/or a righteous indignation.
You come to understand that you have the right to be angry about your experience(s) as JW (and your subsequent exodus), and are not threaten by it. Righteous anger dose not necessarily equate to unresolved anger. There?s a difference.
You can enjoy the things of life (celebrating Holidays, patriotism, etc.) without even thinking about your JW upbringing.
You realize, that in your lifetime, if you?re able to stop just one person from becoming a JW that you?ve done a good deed and you?ve helped your fellow man.