WT federal money

by peacefulpete 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • abbagail

    Hyghlandyr wrote: "...they are about covering their bums in regards to the molestation issue, trying to make it appear that they are proactive in fighting against child molesters and in providing people with tools to recognize one and for a child to defend against one."

    Truth2Me wrote: "...I've seen one about internet predators..."

    How clever of them to use PSA's to again seduce the dubs with the WT's supposedly 'good works' and also 'kill two birds with one propaganda stone' (=their REAL motive); ie,

    Dead Bird #1: The internet is full of nothing but sexual predators, so stay OFF the internet (and hence, never learn the truth about the borg); and...

    Dead Bird #2: Since all the predators are on the internet, they are NOT in our Kingdom Halls; you and your kiddies are safe with us.


  • heathen

    OMG--- Germanjw, that was one heck of a post on the videos from the WTBTS that are getting so much praise from the media . I was gagging as I looked at how unrealistic they are about their own teachings .Let's take a look at protecting your children ,haven't they for the longest time made children present 2 witnesses and also denied government the right to investigate accusations of child abuse ? Then we can move into bible principles that help families and children , excuse me here but aren't we talking about WTBTS interpretations of the bible and not just the bible? OHHHHH and the piece de resistance , jehovahs organization and the nazzis. I read the letter that the WTBTS sent to german government and could definately see the anti semetic undertones as they were sympathetic to the germans because the money grubbing jews controled all the wealth . JEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUUUSSSS H CAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIISSSTTTTTTTTT.

  • Cheetos

    Such an add would be repulsive to say the lest.

  • sf

    {{{ hugs for hygh }}}

    Nice to see you babe.


  • blondie
    From where did you hear this information, Blondie?

    Actually, hunyadi, you can check the FCC site which regulates PSAs, call a local TV or radio station and say that you are interested in running such an ad and ask what the regulations are?

    We see PSAs every day about the dangers of smoking, supporting nonprofit groups such as the Red Cross, and these are free. TV stations and radio stations are required to set aside time for them without charge. These spots tend to be in nonprime time.

    The WTS is a nonprofit organization according to the regulations of the US, thus they qualify. The ads you see about the Mormon/LDS church fall into the same category.

    I'm not suprised to see the WTS use this tactic. The door-to-door work is very ineffective. People have no idea what JWs believe despite the so-called 1 billion hours spent yearly by JWs in the field ministry. With all the negative news, the WTS has to try and offset it somehow.


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