What do you think?? More info to follow..............
Mark of the Wild Beast (666) Calculation - 6x6+6=42 (Bush=42 President)
by Brownboy 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
got my forty homey?
It's enough info, no more please brown stain!
Brownboy -
I am sincerely worried about you. You are overly obsessed with this topic. I really think you should see a doctor about this. There are medications that can help you, such as Zoloft or Paxil. I hate to see you continually get beat up on this board because of your need to discuss this one and only topic. Perhaps you may want to find a place where someone can actually help you meet that need. Please consider what I've suggested seriously. I really don't think you are in the right place here, and I really think you should seek professional help.
Edited to add: Geo W. Bush is the 43rd President, not the 42nd - that would have been Clinton.
Will Power
I'm pretty sure Bush is the 43rd president. You better check
Here is the explanation:
You may have noticed that the numbering of the Presidents on this site differs slightly from other sources. The reason is because of the two non-consecutive terms that Grover Cleveland served in the late 19th century. When Cleveland began his first term in office he was the 22nd person to hold the office. When Cleveland was defeated by Benjamin Harrison in the next election, Harrison became the 23rd President.
When Cleveland defeated Harrison in the next election and took office for his second term, there still had only been 23 individuals since George Washington to hold the office of President, Cleveland being the 22nd. However, because of Cleveland's non-consecutive terms some sources call him the 22nd and 24th President. This causes the numbering on Presidentsusa.net to differ by one for every President after Cleveland. However, even though George Washington served two terms no one calls him the 1st and 2nd President. The fact that Cleveland's terms were not consecutive is irrelevant.
Because of these facts, Presidentsusa.net describes the current President George W. Bush as the 42nd President of the United States. Many sources refer to him as the 43rd President, even though there have only been 42 individuals that have served as President.http://www.presidentsusa.net/numbering.html
http://thelastgeneration.org/ This site is in it's beginning stages
he is still the governor of texas in my eyes. . . . .
I know I shouldn't be on this thread asking these types of questions, but I up when I should be sleeping. So what made you choose your particular arithmetic.
Why not 6^6%6? And I promise you % is an operator, but I can't remember what it does now.
I thought that the 666 was supposed to be associated with ronald wilson raegan. I remember some fruit cake back then insisting it was true .
: You may have noticed that the numbering of the Presidents on this site differs slightly from other sources. The reason is because of the two non-consecutive terms that Grover Cleveland served in the late 19th century. When Cleveland began his first term in office he was the 22nd person to hold the office. When Cleveland was defeated by Benjamin Harrison in the next election, Harrison became the 23rd President.
: When Cleveland defeated Harrison in the next election and took office for his second term, there still had only been 23 individuals since George Washington to hold the office of President, Cleveland being the 22nd. However, because of Cleveland's non-consecutive terms some sources call him the 22nd and 24th President. This causes the numbering on Presidentsusa.net to differ by one for every President after Cleveland. However, even though George Washington served two terms no one calls him the 1st and 2nd President. The fact that Cleveland's terms were not consecutive is irrelevant.
: Because of these facts, Presidentsusa.net describes the current President George W. Bush as the 42nd President of the United States. Many sources refer to him as the 43rd President, even though there have only been 42 individuals that have served as President.Readers: this information is important. It just may change the quality of your life.
666 the year of the Higera? no