Why are there kitchens in KHs?

by meat pie 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Is it some sort of charitable status requirement? Ours was only used when the CO visited and there was a coffee break at the hall part way through field service.

    Any one know?


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Shirley, I've never seen a kitchen in any Kingdom Hall. That would be great!

  • tazmaniac

    Many 50's thru 70's KH's have kitchens for wedding receptions, cong cleanup parties etc.

  • Nosferatu

    Ours had a small suite attached to the back for the CO to live in. It was actually a nice little place.

  • blondie

    Unless there is a CO/DO apartment, most KHs today do not have kitchens unless they are older and have not been remodeled recently. In my area the only one was the one where the pioneer school was held. I can remember some in the circuit that had one but only because they were an old church building. Most assembly halls have remodeled and taken out their kitchens

    Many KHs built in the midwest US have to agree to "not" putting in kitchens to get approval to build from the town/city/village authorities. The authorities do not want the traffic and hubbub in the residential neighborhoods.


  • TresHappy

    Never saw a kitchen in the KH....it would look too much like Christendom!

  • garybuss

    The newest Kingdom Hall built here has a parsonage attached. I assume there is a kitchen. My invitation to the dedication must have gotten lost in the mail so I have never seen the inside of the building.

    I did the walk away thing in 1974 but in my 23 years inside various Kingdom Halls before that I never saw one with a kitchen. In fact here Witnesses believed it was an insult to Jehovah to eat in "His" temple. Of course it was alright to beat children and sell books and collect money for donations. GaryB (of the pinched, poked, and generally aggravated class)

  • Bryan

    Yes, there is a trend to remodel and put kitchens in the KHs so when Armagedon comes they can lock everyone in and make poloties until the dust clears. Something like a hurrican party... not everyone lives through them!


  • dh

    our kh had a fully functioning kitchen, with 4 ring gas cooker built into the counter, cupboards and everything were custom made by our ever handy elder who i won't name there was a table and chairs and even a microwave, basically, it would be used every sunday, as the meeting finished at noon and field service began at 1pm, people were 'encouraged' not to go home, and have their lunch at the hall, some people brought sandwiches, others brought pot noodles (when they were invented), some people actually cooked, then everyone ate in the room for the second school, also it was used when there was work going on at the hall, which there always seemed to be, if we had surplas of cash, which thinking about it there must have been, it would be spent on lovely hall remodelling, weekends working for free meant the kitchen would be used for teas and coffees, lunch etc.

  • garybuss

    DH, so I assume the region you are writing about is South Africa?

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