Did you ever catch an Elder doing something "Un-theocratic"?

by tazmaniac 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    I know one elder owned a cleaning business and employed a disfellowshipped guy from his hall. He'd get scheduled to clean on meeting nights so that he couldn't attend meetings, making him look bad and delaying his reinstatement. This guy had done some heavy petting with another elder's daughter. He got DFed, she got reproved. He was still disfellowshipped when, out of nowhere, they got her married off to some guy she met 2 months earlier.

    Third-hand, I heard of one elder being out at a bar, drinking, swearing up a storm and bitching about the other elders at the hall.

  • czarofmischief
    Third-hand, I heard of one elder being out at a bar, drinking, swearing up a storm and bitching about the other elders at the hall.

    Hell, that's probably most of the ex-elders on this board.


  • boa

    i haven't 'caught' an elder doing something untheocratic unless you call being self-righteous, pompous, and arrogant as such. Of course, many are not as I mentioned.

    However, I have heard of my stories close to people I know and seemed quite factual. One was an elder I knew who was smoking for about 11 yrs (while an elder) and got caught at his workplace which was come distance from where he lived - LOL. And he was apparently a real hard ass with the young people in the congregation!

    I think one of the most common activities they are 'guilty' of by wts standards is overdrinking - and quite damn understandably imo!!! Booze does wonders for surviving for a time in the WTS!

    Jeece, once I broke free of the org, I no longer desired booze so strongly, and am now accepting any help and assistance from all of you to find another reason to start drinking heavily - LOL


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