* raises BB gun ........let's go huntin'"

by Valis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Lyineyes posted that in another thread and got me thinking. I always wanted one, but there would be none of that you know...Elders didn;t mind having shotguns to go hunting birds with, but no bb gun for you young man! Anyone else deprived of one of these? And ya I know its all fun and games till someone loses an eye and I even got a pellet in the behind from a bully......Butt..*LOL* I still wanted one dangit!


    District Overbeer

  • dustyb

    i've had guns all my life, since i was a little kid. my grandpa had a diesel shop w/ a few acres in the back, and one of the things that kept me entertained for HOURS was a pellet gun and a soda can. i was a deadeye =D i've also shot bigger guns and went hunting and such. i thought it was always fun.

  • Carmel

    My whole family hunted and fished illegally and somehow justified it as necessary to survive..I'm sure though, the cong Serv. never knew.


  • LyinEyes

    MY BIG FAT HYPOCRITE GUN TOTING ELDER DAD--------------sounds like a movie huh???

    Yep,,,,,,,,,,the elder Dad, PO had a pistal ,,,,,,,,,and he didnt mind acting like he was gonna use it on someone.

    Damn,,,,,,,,,,the man thought he was JR Ewing,,,,,,,,,,no kidding. He even put personalized plates on our cars,,,,and Big D's on the just about everything he could, fences, over the cattle gap, the barn, the inside of his office,,,,,,,.

    I loved my BB gun..........if ya dont have one by May Valis,,,,,,,,, I am gonna get you one.

    In honor of all the deprived JW boys all around the world.........( especially Texas for Gawds sake).

    Let's go to one of those paintball places and shoot the shit out of each other........ouch!!!!

  • Jade

    Just make sure you wear your goggles.....I spent Valentines night in ER with my son who got shot in the eye.

  • Valis

    Dede...can you imagine me and WT drunk w/bb guns? *LOL* Really!? A bb gun?


    District Overbeer

  • Nosferatu

    Last summer, I built myself a potato cannon, similar to this one:

    They're so much fun!!! Went blasting potatoes and apples that fell off the neighbor's tree.

  • Valis
    They're so much fun!!! Went blasting potatoes and apples that fell off the neighbor's tree.

    dumbass, padadas don't grow on trees!


    District Overbeer

  • Simon

    I got to have a few guns growing up ... about the only benefit from living on a farm !

    Of course plenty in the cong were 'shocked'.

    Air-rifles & air-pistols (v.nice German ones) and a few shotguns. My favourite was a 9mm bolt action garden shotgun ... fantastic !

    Hell, I could be an American ... a republican even

  • LyinEyes

    LOL Valis, you and WT would no doubt cause more trouble than you are worth...,,,,, I done told ya'll now.......I ain't bailing you out of jail!!!!!!!!!!

    So behave with your BB gun( when ya get it ) or I will take your BB's away.

    Then you might just make a potato gun, and hit someone in the head........now that just wouldnt be nice!!!!

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