What are things that really get you irritated???
Things That Piss You Off
by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends
.....going into college an extra day to get away from all the crap in my life and having to listen to some bloke who has no concept of negative body language moan about his wife all day and hit on you
Having my life on 'hold' and my stress levels hitting the roof while I wait for yet another biopsy appointment...
- people who drive slow in the fast lane.
- people who are hypersensitive
- people who can't stand hearing a differing viewpoint, no matter how valid
- people who have poor hygeine and grooming
- people who make sweeping generalized judgements about others based on some statement they misconstrued
- people who put words in my mouth
- people who stifle a good debate
- people who just don't get it.
- people who would screw over anybody to get their "piece of the pie".
- people who are backstabbers.
- people who are cruel to other people or to animals
- getting a bunch of work dumped on me at the last minute
-having to do someone else's work because they are incompetant or lazy.
That's some of 'em, anyway. Believe it or not, my being pissed off is of a very temporary, fleeting nature, however.
Love_Truth- of the forgiving, calm, collected class.
Phantom Stranger
but frequent, apparently...
child molesters and people who protect them
people who don't signal lane changes
Can I borrow your list Love_Truth.......pretty good ones there......
I wrote this cute little story and very few people even bothered to look at it! Where are my fans? Boy does that get me PO'd! Maverick
People who talk druing a story on the news, and then try to pass off what they said over the story as what they heard on the news.
Starting the car when it's already started.
Weather bulletins in the last minute of the game.
People who say, "Well, it can't get any worse."
When the body you drop in the lake won't stay down.
Checks that take forever to clear.
Parents who expect 3-year-olds to behave like 23-year-olds (Often seen at conventions)
When you get dumped with the qualifier..."You're a nice guy, but..." Fact is, you're probably shot down becasue you ARE a nice guy.
Apartment neighbors who narc on you for your outdoor/patio grill.
People who poke fun at women leaders/businesspersons/athletes for thier looks. The only time that a woman's looks should be up for scrutiny is if she is employed as a model.
Friends who insist on getting drunk for every outing, even little league games and paying the light bill.
THE WORST: Turning to a radio station and catching a song you LOVE and is NEVER PLAYED just as it ends.
Doubtfully Yours
When people drop by the house unannounced and uninvited!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hispanic folk are among the most delinquent groups in this respect. They feel entitled, specially if they are relatives! AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I swear I was born in the wrong culture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people who put mayonaise on french fries