I have been having problems posting for the last couple of weeks. I've been watching for someone to post on this article. I saw no reference at all to the United Nations--only vaguely to the political powers. Does anyone have any comments
4-01-04 WT - 666, mark of the beast
by Bonnie_Clyde 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
You may like this....
Mark of the Beast,
In response to the United Nations as the beast. The wild beast makes an attack on the holy ones during the time of the end. The United States along with Britain have been the sole world power, and it is evident. The United Nations did not have any power over the actions by the United States. The United Nation has as much power as the countries that support it. The United States and Britain flexed their muscle against the United Nations and won. If you look at the beasts in past history such as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia.......etc. you will notice that they were the ones that effected God's people. There have been many strong nations throughout history, but the only significant ones are the ones that effect the region, and God' people.
I have wondered about the possibilty of the people in the Middle East being Jehovah's people. If you read the book of Jeremiah, you will see that He still has his heart on the Nations of Israel, and Judah. It was prophecied that they would be trampled upon by the nations until the time of the end. But Jehovah will restore them as He promised. We have to wait and see who prevails, and find out who the chosen ones are. I believe they are in fact the Two Witnesses in Revelations 11, and I believe these to be the nations of Israel, and Judah, keeping in mind of course that these would be the ones that have proven their loyalty to Jehovah.
As far as the wild beast is concerned, read Revelations closely, and relate the events from the 911 attacks, to see if they fulfill prophecy. Keep the Middle East in mind when you read these, and you will have a better understanding of the prophecy. The wild beast recieved a death stroke and revived. ( 911 attack on United States was the death stroke). The wild beast was given authority over every tribe, people, tongue, and nation. (This power was given to the United States under the Patriot Act in order to defend against terrorism). No one might be able to buy or sell without the mark of the wild beast. ( This power is given under the sanctions imposed by the United States against any country that goes against their policy). The beast that was, but is not, and yet will be present. (George Bush Senior was president, was not when Clinton was, and George Bush Junior is currently the President) George Bush Junior initiated war against Iraq under the same resolutions that his father commenced. United Nations resolution 666, is one of these resolutions.
Look at all of these facts which relate to the United States. The flags of the United States, and Great Britain are peculiar. There were seven stars for the United States, and the letter X (roman numeral 10) for Great Britain. The United States constitution has Seven Articles, Ten Bill of Rights, and 27 Amendments. George Bush Junior celebrated the 216th anniversary of the Constitution (6x6x6=216) Senate Resolution 666 commenced the 107th Congress (10, 7) ......................these are just a few things you can relate if you look closely.
I for one believe that a major event will take place in the year 2005. 42 months from the 911 attacks. I think perhaps that Christ will begin his Reign and begin to judge the nations. Then Jehovah will deliver His people from the one that is stronger then them......................open your eyes !!!!
Winston Smith :>D
I ...believe that a major event will take place in the year 2005. 42 months from the 911 attacks.
...Christ will begin his Reign and begin to judge the nations.
...Jehovah will deliver His people from the one that is stronger then them
Thx brownboy, I got it marked on my calander!
I'm washing my robe as we speak
Approximate number of the BeastDCLXVI
Roman numeral of the Beast666.0000
Number of the High Precision Beast0.666
Number of the Millibeast/ 666
Beast Common Denominator(-666) ^ (1/2)
Imaginary number of the Beast6.66 e3
Floating point Beast1010011010
Binary of the Beast6, uh... what was that number again?
Number of the Blonde Beast1-666
Area code of the Beast00666
Zip code of the Beast666mph
The speed limit of the Beast$665.95
Retail price of the Beast$699.25
Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax$769.95
Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul$656.66
Walmart price of the Beast$646.66
Next week's Walmart price of the BeastPhillips 666
Gasoline of the BeastRoute 666
Way of the Beast666 F
Oven temperature for roast Beast666k
Retirement plan of the Beast666 mg
Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast6.66 %
5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit.$666/hr
Beast's lawyer's billing rateLotus 6-6-6
Spreadsheet of the BeastWord 6.66
Word Processor of the Beasti66686
CPU of the Beast666i
BMW of the BeastDSM-666 (revised)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast1232 Octal, Apt. 29A
Beast's hexed address668
Next-door neighbor of the Beast333
The semi-Christ665.9997856
The Number of the Beast on a Pentium -
Hmmmmm...oh forget it....I'm six six six of trying to understand Revelation.
Barney the Dinosaur is a
In ancient Rome, there were no "u"'s, they were "v"'s
Extract the Roman numerals and you get:
100 5 5 50 500 1 5
If you add all these up you get:
BARNEY is the Anti-Christ..... -
You had the best insight into what the number 666 is all about.
I look forward to the WT lurkers and writers using it as "new light" soon.
...i believe in the matrix. we are all jacked into a machine-fed la la land. there is "the one" which is offset by the architect to equalize the equation by making the evil one named Agent Smith......and the only way to fix it is by deleting one of the two....
Thanks for the laugh ThiChi, I translated it and put it in a Spanish site. I hope you don't mind.