Ok X Dubbies, I need to see who can be creative here and come up with Talk # 6 with about a 50 words just to keep it brief. Here's mine.
Divison Amongst the Brothers
In todays world we see so much division and no unity! What is to become of the system of things if we are not on the same path and what did Jesus have to say about this? If we look into the scriptures Mark 3:25 Jesus said "and if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" how does this scripture relate to our current organization? Imagine if we as an organization said one thing and did the other, what would that say about us? This is why we are extra careful not to stray from what we have published http://quotes.watchtower.ca/ and preached! Be greatful and rejoyce that we are amongst Gods people!
Arent' we glad we don't have to prepare talks anymore. We are now free people. And yes it's ok to talk about oral sex, yoga, meditation, tantra, or joining a Buddist temple. And if you want to dig into the occult, that's all for you to decide now. You have learned you ways about the borg, and now you pick up the pieces, and make a new stand and a life for yourselves. If you want to live in a tree or sail the world may the gods look upon you with approval and bless your efforts. Thank you.
In today?s society, the admonition of the Scriptures often falls on deaf ears. Remember, brudders and sistas, that Satan is ?like a wild beast, roaming the earth seeking to devour? all who adhere to Biblical principles. Surely it is clear that the Internet is one of Satan?s tools. Guard yourselves against ?false prophets? and those who would seek to lead you into temptation by steering clear of this dangerous medium, and instead, taking time out to study the scriptures using the publications which are lovingly provided by Jehover?s organization.
We have been instructed from the platformn on many occasions to beware of opposers of God's organization and their insidious attempts to discredit us by pointing out apparent inconsistencies in our teachings. What RUBBISH their feeble attempts amount to. The direction from the Faithful Slave Class is indeed timely, and is like a light that keeps getting brighter and brighter. We have NEVER apologized for what the whole body of brothers of the great crowd have insinuated from our teaching's, nor will we....EVER. Any perceived inconsistencies that opposers may attribute to Us are lies. How disgusting the world's filth is. It is indeed like filthy filthiness of filth. Beware of Satans' snares dear brothers, and his filth like filthy filth like flithiers. And if you think We mis-spelled "filthy", it's your own filthy, filth like filthiness, filthifying in your own filth harboring minds.
Dear brothers and those insignificant others, sisters
Blah blah blah, rubarb ruhbarb blah, Doh, rip off, waste of time. Throw your money at us, your dead anyway. Blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah. Although no one really knows what happens after you die cause basically YOU ARE DEAD and cant tell anyone, we will make you think you can live forever on earth, so give us your money, waste your time with us, whatelse are you going to do with your time?????? Don't go out and actually help anyone instead throw magazines and spiritiual food at em cause when there house has been washed away, or their whole life has come craching around them its naturally the first thing people want. A magazine to tell them this happened because a loving God wanted vengence against them so just destroyed their life so they would find him! He killed their toddler just to teach em what a loving god he is! I know to make someone love me I snap their necks just to let them know! In conclusion just to summarise this talk brothers and insignificant others, you know why they think they are going to be part of gods grand plan is beyond me...sisters I mean, who are they and what do they think they are doing taking up valuable space in the cong. SHouldnt they be sitting at their husbands and childrens feet? In fact all sisters get ya butts off the seats and get on the floor now! SO the point I think of this talk was blah blah blah.
For tonight's edification, Jehovah has provided us with a tasty meal and timely warning. Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that we must guard our hearts. There are those the Bible warns God's people about, the apostates who no longer are with us, but beat up their former fellow workers. Are we careful to avoid SUCH, BROTHERS AND SISTERS??! Yes, we have God's Word from Almighty Jehovah to protect us . . .
Isn't it about time we sisters got top billing? Sad to say some brothers still hold to the scriptures that women should not teach the congregation. Nevertheless in this time of the end does it not make sense that those who take the lead in the disciple making work also teach the congregation? As a special offer any sister who wishes to give a public talk can make an annual donation of $1000 to Bethel for the privilege. All money goes to the charity porn purchase, for those aging anointed members who need a little 'help'.