Great pictures Val !!!!! Glad you and CSG had a good time !!!
Gone Campin...
by Valis 61 Replies latest social physical
Shit, Valius,
You have to come up to Kanada! You can try to dig up all the frozen earth you want up here, LOL! It's impossible.
Maybe I just need to move south and forget this winter wasteland, LOL!
To get to the earth, dig down 2 metres of snow, then use a jackhammer to dig up the dirt; by this time, 8 hours would have passed. Nope, I don't think that I'll try it. Plus Parks Canada tends to have a dim view of doing things like that, LOL!
*LOL* right...might as well sleep inside the tractor w/the heat on huh? *LOL* I would like to visit Cananda in the summer and the winter. Have never driven a snowmobile...or been that far north...been to Michigan's upper peninsula and been to Seaside Oregon, Duluth Minn, Cape Cod, Washington State, but never into the Greater North..
District Overbeer
I live in the greatest snowmobiling place (arguably) in kanada. So you should come up; we get about 3.5 metres of snow up there per year; it takes aboot 1/2 an hour or more to get up to treeline, then you have endless slopes.
Yes, you need to come up here and see it. It is beautiful. The winters are cold, but the summers are hot (sometimes). Not like texas though, LOL!
The only thing I know about texas is from King Of the Hill.
propane and propane accessories! *LOL* Ya, but I prefer a nice mesquite wood fire...tons of taste in the smoking wood. And we hate them cuz they look the same as when you get cut off from the family tree...lots of thorns for everyone's side...*LOL*
District Overbeer
BTW I was not using the blue horse shoes..
District Overbeer
BTW I was not using the blue horse shoes..
DAYUM !!! The woman outfishes ya and is better at horseshoes and darts. Remind me to give her a big high five when I see her next !!!
At least you don't try saying that you "let" her win at any of this stuff !!
xw...shiite...if I did that she would get real pissed off...*LOL* I think she, a ringer, has played this game before. I mean she threw like a girl the first game...then beat me the second game and then tied me the third game. I wasn't even toasted! Then this morning I finally one won and we tied another...I'm telling you...she is dangerous and will me a brotha up!...*LOL* dam them womenz! BTW, next time we have fest in GB it would be fun to get som horse shoooooUUUU (cheesehead dialect) action in.
District Overbeer
BTW, next time we have fest in GB it would be fun to get som horse shoooooUUUU (cheesehead dialect) action in.
Ya know what is really dumb? There is a set out in the garage already !! It was my grandfather's set I inherited. I LOVE throwing shoes !! We could have been doing that all along !!!
I'm telling you...she is dangerous and will me a brotha up!...*LOL*
I knew there was another reason I liked her !! hehehe- kick his ass CSG!!!!
Enjoyed the pics Val,,,,,,,and may I say I am most please that CSG, beat yo ass in horseshoes!!!!!
See , womenz like to play dumb,,,or that we don't know how to do sumpin and then we wax yo ass!!! Well,,,,,ok, I am telling one,,,,, I really am dumb and I dont know how to play most games, I just get lucky!!
Just be glad she didn't err umm...."accidenty" , throw one backwards towards your head . I have been known to do that with a bowling ball. Not a good thing.........