What quality do you look for in a friend?
To me loyalty is very important, I can?t hang around ppl I don?t trust.
What is important to you?
by WildTurkey 21 Replies latest jw friends
What quality do you look for in a friend?
To me loyalty is very important, I can?t hang around ppl I don?t trust.
What is important to you?
trust, can I trust this person with my valubles, wife, life.
Mega I know you and I are friends so i guess you will take 2 out of 3 huh?
Great question, Wild Turkey!!
But I don't know. Compatibility, lack of bad gossip (trust), intelligence, and . . . you know, other stuff, haha.
Continuity in their life.
Continuity in their life.
Mega, you and Denny just want to express your ever lasting lust, love for each other ya know..,, yall stop flirting ,,hehe.
I look for in a friend ,,,,,,,,,,TRUST , most of all, common attitudes about things, wit, humor and intelligence. If they don't like the Dallas Cowboys,,,,,,,well I let that slide.
Charactor of the person ranks high, with trust and mutual respect.
Honesty. I can even take betrayal if they are honest about it.