Sheila,,,,,,,,I have taken lithium for bipolar disorder and I just hate the stuff. But I can tell you it did calm me the point I wasnt myself. I couldnt write, I couldnt express myself, I couldnt even draw took my artist side away,,,,because I didnt want to do anything. I was tired..... sleepy, and had little emotion. There are many who say it doesnt take away their forms of artist expression and do well on it.
Now,,,,,,,,,I guess it served it's purpose in taking the hyperness I was experience away,,,,,,,but I talked to the doctor and switched to other meds to treat the ups and downs. I take Wellbutrin in the day to hault the depression( it has also been shown to treat mild forms of Bipolar ups and downs) and I take Klonopin at night. I take a very low dose of this , it is very addictive and a powerful drug,,,,,,,it is in the class of drugs like Valium, Xanax, but doesnt work quickly like they do, it is a long acting drug, stays in your body longer. It is also an anticonvulsant , so it always made me wonder since that drug has worked so well for me,,,,,if I stay on it........the connection between seisures, misfiring synapses and mood swings???? I think there is some kind of connection,,,,,,,,definately a chemical imbalance one way or the other.
Gumby , I read the second Patty Duke book,,,,,,,,,and it was sooooooo informative and that little beige pill as she called her lithium did change her life completely around.
Way back, in the early 1900's they used to have spa's for people to go to have what ever problem they had physically or mentally addressed.
One of the theuraputic tools used , was the lithium salt baths. They found that when the people sat in these baths they came out more relaxed,,,,,,,,,and therefore they began studying on what benefit lithium might have on agitated patients. It was a miracle drug,,,,,,,once they figured out how to make it not toxic and get the benefical dosage right.
Lithium is a naturally occuring salt that we even have in our bodies already. But as others have said, it can be as toxic as any man made substance, and can kill you ,,,even if you have been on it can build up and cause severe symptoms, including coma and death. That is why you have to have lithium blood syrum levels done once a month.
For me the meds I am on are doing good for my mood swings, my anxiety, and I didnt have that terrible of an experience with lithium, I just didnt want to do anything .