I've taken the liberty of constructing a series of images detailing in a visual format exactly how to navigate to that section of the UN's site,
by jgnat 168 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I've taken the liberty of constructing a series of images detailing in a visual format exactly how to navigate to that section of the UN's site,
Maybe we should send Paul Hoeffel a "thank you" e-mail. I wonder if he understands how important this letter is.
I've added a link to the mirrored copy of the PDF letter to that navigation/guide page I made, in case the UN web server falls over (which is looking increasingly likely...good God...I doubt they'd've posted a 600K file if they knew how many people were going to be trying to d/l it...)
JGNAT, could you post a link to this guide in your first post on this thread? Just in case the UN server goes down tonight? I have this feeling they're under a bit of strain...they might just yank the PDF entirely, to save bandwidth...admins have been known to do that before!
SYN...in your html doc why not also give em an easter egg and give the image an http?attrib so w/a mouse over they can click? Wham bam thank you SYN!
District Overbeer
Not long ago someone found an archive that included the UN/NGO official list of approved NGO's, which listed the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Since 'search' is not working, does anyone have a link to the site or the discussion here on JWD?
Awesome awesome work everyone! SYN and Valis and jgnat (and anyone else I may have missed) thanks for taking the time to make this accessible to people! This is the best news I've seen in a looooooong time!!!
BTW - I've been thinking about the different objections active JW's may have to all this - as well as whatever BS the WT will tell the R&F - and thought it would be a good idea if we all stuck our heads together and figured out our own version of "Reasoning From The Scriptures" for overcoming their objections. I don't want to hijack this thread, so I have started a thread on this and hope anyone who has any ideas will give their input. I, for one, know that my JW mom will put up her "JW veil". I would love suggestions on how to pierce it! Here is the thread:
Jst -
Is this the list you were referring to?