this is really big news.... does seattle guy know aboot this?
The UN Posts Their Letter!
by jgnat 168 Replies latest watchtower scandals
For you, Bryan.
For searches, I use
Irrev says right on.
Many thanks jgnat!
I'll google next time.
All I can say is WOW!
My wife and I are trying to guess what the WT's spin will be...
So, who's the first person you will be sending this news to?
This is big,
However, please see below the paragraph included in all letters sent to NGOs approved for association in 1992.
"The principle purpose of association of non-governmental organizations with the United Nations Department of Public Information is the redissemination of information in order to increase public understanding of the principles, activities and achievements of the United Nations and its Agencies. Consequently, it is important that you should keep us informed about your organization's information programme as it relates to the United Nations, including sending us issues of your relevant publications. We are enclosing a brochure on the "The United Nations and Non-Governmental Organizations", which will give you some information regarding the NGO relationship."
This rather destroys their 'library card' defense. The Watchtower says they had to recently withdraw from continuing as a UNITED NATIONS Non Government Organization because the requirements changed and they could not continue their membership. Clear example of Watchtower Lying.
This is one to print and add to your UN/Watchtower scandal file to destribute to all WT friends and relatives.
*** re chap. 34 pp. 246-251 An Awesome Mystery Solved ***
Awesome Mystery SolvedWHAT is John?s reaction at seeing the great harlot and her fearsome mount? He himself answers: "Well, on catching sight of her I wondered with great wonderment." (Revelation 17:6b) Mere human imagination could never conjure up such a sight. Yet, there it is?away out in a wilderness?a debauched prostitute perched on a gruesome, scarlet-colored wild beast! (Revelation 17:3) The John class today also wonders with great wonderment as events unfold in fulfillment of the prophetic vision. If people of the world could see it, they would exclaim, ?Incredible!? and the world?s rulers would echo, ?Unthinkable!? But the vision becomes a startling 20th-century reality. God?s people have already had a remarkable share in the vision?s fulfillment, and this assures them that the prophecy will move right on to its astounding climax.
The angel notices John?s amazement. "And so," John continues, "the angel said to me: ?Why is it you wondered? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns.?" (Revelation 17:7) Ah, the angel will now unravel the mystery! He explains to the wide-eyed John the various facets of the vision and the dramatic events that are about to unfold. Likewise, as it serves under angelic direction today, the watchful John class has had revealed to it the understanding of the prophecy. "Do not interpretations belong to God?" Like faithful Joseph, we believe that they do. (Genesis 40:8; compare Daniel 2:29, 30.) God?s people are placed, as it were, center stage as Jehovah interprets to them the meaning of the vision and its impact on their lives. (Psalm 25:14) Right on time, he has opened up to their understanding the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast.?Psalm 32:8.3
From September 18 to 20, 1942, at the height of World War II, Jehovah?s Witnesses in the United States held their New World Theocratic Assembly. The key city, Cleveland, Ohio, was tied in by telephone with more than 50 other convention cities, for a peak attendance of 129,699. Where wartime conditions permitted, other conventions repeated the program around the world. At the time, many of Jehovah?s people expected that the war would escalate into God?s war of Armageddon; hence the title of the public talk, "Peace?Can It Last?," aroused much curiosity. How could the new president of the Watch Tower Society, N. H. Knorr, presume to talk about peace when the very opposite seemed to be in store for the nations? The reason was that the John class was paying "more than the usual attention" to God?s prophetic Word.?Hebrews 2:1; 2 Peter 1:19.4
What light did the talk "Peace?Can It Last?" throw on the prophecy? Clearly identifying the scarlet-colored wild beast of Revelation 17:3 as the League of Nations, President Knorr went on to discuss its stormy career on the basis of the angel?s following words to John: "The wild beast that you saw was, but is not, and yet is about to ascend out of the abyss, and it is to go off into destruction."?Revelation 17:8a.5
"The wild beast . . . was." Yes, it had existed as the League of Nations from January 10, 1920, onward, with 63 nations participating at one time or another. But, in turn, Japan, Germany, and Italy withdrew, and the Soviet Union was dropped from the League. In September 1939 the Nazi dictator of Germany launched World War II. Having failed to keep peace in the world, the League of Nations virtually plunged into an abyss of inactivity. By 1942 it had become a has-been. Neither before this nor at some later date?but right at that critical time?did Jehovah interpret to his people the full depth of meaning of the vision! At the New World Theocratic Assembly, President Knorr could declare, in line with the prophecy, that "the wild beast . . . is not." He then asked the question, "Will the League remain in the pit?" Quoting Revelation 17:8, he answered: "The association of worldly nations will rise again." That is just how it proved to be?in vindication of Jehovah?s prophetic Word!Ascending
out of the Abyss6
The scarlet-colored wild beast did indeed climb out of the abyss. On June 26, 1945, with noisy fanfare in San Francisco, U.S.A., 50 nations voted to accept the Charter of the United Nations organization. This body was "to maintain international peace and security." There were many similarities between the League and the UN. The World Book Encyclopedia notes: "In some ways, the UN resembles the League of Nations, which was organized after World War I . . . Many of the nations that founded the UN had also founded the League. Like the League, the UN was established to help keep peace between nations. The main organs of the UN are much like those of the League." The UN, then, is actually a revival of the scarlet-colored wild beast. Its membership of over 150 nations far exceeds that of the League?s 63; it has also taken on broader responsibilities than its predecessor.7
At first, great hopes were expressed for the UN. This was in fulfillment of the angel?s words: "And when they see how the wild beast was, but is not, and yet will be present, those who dwell on the earth will wonder admiringly, but their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world." (Revelation 17:8b) Earth?s dwellers have admired this new colossus, operating from its imposing headquarters on New York?s East River. But true peace and security have eluded the UN. In this diabolical nuclear age, world peace has been maintained only by the threat of "mutual assured destruction"?MAD, as it is abbreviated?and the arms race has continued to escalate astronomically. After almost 40 years of effort by the United Nations, its secretary-general, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, lamented in 1985: "We are living in another age of fanatics, and we don?t know what to do about it."8
The UN does not have the answers. And why? Because the Giver of life to all mankind is not the UN?s life-giver. Its life span will be short, for according to God?s decree, "it is to go off into destruction." The UN?s founders and admirers do not have their names recorded in God?s scroll of life. How could sinful, mortal men, many of whom mock God?s name, achieve through the UN what Jehovah God has declared he is about to accomplish, not by human means, but through the Kingdom of his Christ??Daniel 7:27; Revelation 11:15.9
The UN is actually a blasphemous counterfeit of God?s Messianic Kingdom by his Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ?to whose princely rule there will be no end. (Isaiah 9:6, 7) Even if the UN were to patch up some temporary peace, wars would soon erupt again. This is in the nature of sinful men. "Their names have not been written upon the scroll of life from the founding of the world." Jehovah?s Kingdom by Christ will not only establish eternal peace on earth but, on the basis of Jesus? ransom sacrifice, raise the dead, the righteous and the unrighteous who are in God?s memory. (John 5:28, 29; Acts 24:15) This includes everyone who has remained steadfast despite the attacks of Satan and his seed, and others who have yet to show themselves obedient. Obviously, God?s scroll of life will never contain the names of die-hard adherents of Babylon the Great or of any who continued to worship the wild beast.?Exodus 32:33; Psalm 86:8-10; John 17:3; Revelation 16:2; 17:5.Peace
and Security?A Vain Hope10
In an effort to bolster the hopes of mankind, the United Nations proclaimed 1986 to be an "International Year of Peace," with the theme "To Safeguard Peace and the Future of Humanity." Warring nations were called upon to lay down their weapons, at least for one year. What was their response? According to a report by the International Peace Research Institute, more than five million soldiers were killed in combat during 1986 alone! Though some special coins and commemorative stamps were issued, most of the nations did little about pursuing the ideal of peace in that year. Nevertheless, the world?s religions?always anxious for a fine rapport with the UN?set about publicizing the year in various ways. On January 1, 1986, Pope John Paul II praised the work of the UN and dedicated the new year to peace. And on October 27, he assembled the leaders of many of the world?s religions at Assisi, Italy, to pray for peace.11
Does God answer such prayers for peace? Well, to which God were those religious leaders praying? If you asked them, each group would give a different answer. Is there a pantheon of millions of gods that can hear and grant petitions made in many different ways? Many of the participants worshiped Christendom?s Trinity. Buddhists, Hindus, and others chanted prayers to gods without number. In all, 12 "religious families" assembled, being represented by such notables as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Buddhism?s Dalai Lama, a Russian Orthodox metropolitan, the president of Tokyo?s Shinto Shrine Association, African animists, and two American Indians decked out in plumed headdresses. It was a colorful group, to say the least, making for spectacular TV coverage. One group prayed unceasingly for 12 hours at one time. (Compare Luke 20:45-47.) But did any of those prayers reach beyond the rain clouds that hovered over the gathering? No, for the following reasons:12
In contrast with those who "walk in the name of Jehovah," not one of those religionists was praying to Jehovah, the living God, whose name appears some 7,000 times in the original text of the Bible. (Micah 4:5; Isaiah 42:8, 12) As a group, they did not approach God in the name of Jesus, the majority of them not even believing in Jesus Christ. (John 14:13; 15:16) None of them are doing God?s will for our day, which is to proclaim worldwide God?s incoming Kingdom?not the UN?as the real hope for mankind. (Matthew 7:21-23; 24:14; Mark 13:10) For the most part, their religious organizations have been involved in the bloody wars of history, including the two world wars of this century. To such, God says: "Even though you make many prayers, I am not listening; with bloodshed your very hands have become filled."?Isaiah 1:15; 59:1-3.13
Further, it is deeply significant that the world?s religious leaders should join hands with the United Nations in calling for peace at this time. They would like to influence the UN to their own advantage, especially in this modern age when so many of their people are abandoning religion. Like the unfaithful leaders in ancient Israel, they call out, "?There is peace! There is peace!? when there is no peace." (Jeremiah 6:14) No doubt their cries for peace will continue, rising in support of the climax concerning which the apostle Paul prophesied: "Jehovah?s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying: ?Peace and security!? then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape."?1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3.14
What form will this significant cry of "Peace and security!" take? It is here mentioned as being outstanding just before the sudden destruction of those making the cry. Hence, it will have to be something more pronounced than any previous declarations by world leaders. No doubt it will be on an earth-wide scale. Yet, it will be no more than a facade. Underneath, nothing will really have changed. Selfishness, hatred, crime, family breakdown, immorality, sickness, sorrow, and death will still be here. That is why the coming cry will mislead those who are not awake to Bible prophecy. But it need not mislead you, if you have been awake to the meaning of world events and have heeded the prophetic warnings in God?s Word.?Mark 13:32-37; Luke 21:34-36.[Footnotes]
J. F. Rutherford died on January 8, 1942, and N. H. Knorr succeeded him as president.
On November 20, 1940, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Hungary signed up for a "new League of Nations," followed four days later by the Vatican?s broadcasting a Mass and a prayer for a religious peace and for a new order of things. That "new League" never materialized.
The Trinity concept stems from ancient Babylon, where the sun-god Shamash, the moon god Sin, and the star god Ishtar were worshiped as a triad. Egypt followed the same pattern, worshiping Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Assyria?s chief god, Asshur, is portrayed as having three heads. Following the same pattern, images are to be found in Catholic churches depicting God as having three heads.
Third New International Dictionary of 1981 defines Jehovah God as "a supreme deity recognized and the only deity worshiped by Jehovah?s Witnesses."[Study
Questions] 1. (a) How does John react at seeing the great harlot and her fearsome mount, and why? (b) How does the John class today react as events unfold in fulfillment of the prophetic vision? 2. (a) In response to John?s amazement, what does the angel tell him? (b) What has the John class had revealed to it, and how has this been done? 3, 4. (a) What public talk was given by the Society?s president in 1942, and how did it identify the scarlet-colored wild beast? (b) What words spoken by the angel to John were discussed by President Knorr? 5. (a) How was it that "the wild beast . . . was" and then "is not"? (b) How did President Knorr answer the question, "Will the League remain in the pit?" 6. (a) When did the scarlet-colored wild beast climb out of the abyss, and with what new name? (b) Why is the United Nations actually a revival of the scarlet-colored wild beast? 7. (a) In what way have earth?s dwellers wondered admiringly at the revived scarlet-colored wild beast? (b) What goal has eluded the UN, and what did its secretary-general say in this regard? 8, 9. (a) Why does the UN not have the answers to the world?s problems, and what will shortly happen to it according to God?s decree? (b) Why do the UN?s founders and admirers not have their names recorded in God?s "scroll of life"? (c) What will Jehovah?s Kingdom successfully accomplish?10, 11. (a) What did the UN proclaim in 1986, and what was the response? (b) How many "religious families" assembled at Assisi, Italy, to pray for peace, and does God answer such prayers? Explain.
12. For what reasons did God not answer the prayers for peace of the world?s religious leaders?
13. (a) Why is it significant that the world?s religious leaders should join hands with the UN in calling for peace? (b) The cries for peace will culminate in what divinely foretold climax?
14. What form will the cry of "Peace and security!" take, and how can one avoid being misled by it?
on page 250]The
"Peace" ParadoxThough 1986 was proclaimed by the UN to be the International Year of Peace, the suicidal armaments race escalated. World Military and Social Expenditures 1986 supplies these sobering details:
In 1986 global military expenditures reached $900 thousand million.
One hour?s global military expenditure would suffice to immunize the 3.5 million that die annually from preventable infectious disease.
Worldwide, one person in five lives in gnawing poverty. All these starving people could be fed for one year at the cost of what the world spends for armaments in two days.
The explosive energy in the world?s stockpile of nuclear weapons is 160,000,000 times greater than that of the Chernobyl explosion.
Today a nuclear bomb can be delivered having an explosive power more than 500 times as powerful as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
Today?s nuclear arsenals contain the equivalent of more than one million Hiroshimas. They represent 2,700 times the explosive energy released in World War II, when 38 million people died.
Wars have become more frequent and more deadly. War deaths totaled 4.4 million in the 18th century, 8.3 million in the 19th century, 98.8 million in 86 years of the 20th century. Since the 18th century, war deaths have increased more than six times faster than the world?s population. There have been ten times as many deaths per war in the 20th century as in the 19th.
on page 247]As prophesied about the scarlet-colored wild beast, the League of Nations was abyssed during World War II but was revived as the United Nations
[Pictures on page 249]In support of the UN?s "Year of Peace," representatives of the world?s religions offered up a babel of prayers at Assisi, Italy, but not one of them prayed to the living God, Jehovah
*** w95 10/1 pp. 5-7 A World Without War?When? ***A World Without War?When?THE Charter of the United Nations went into effect on October 24, 1945. It is the most comprehensive strategy for world peace ever to be designed by humans. With its original 51 member States, the United Nations became the largest international organization in the history of the world. Also, for the first time ever, an international organization would have access to an army to enforce peace and security and bring about a world without war.
Today, with 185 member States, the United Nations is stronger than ever. Why, then, has the most powerful international organization in history failed to accomplish its noble objectives fully?
Religion?A Great HindranceOne major complication is the role that religion plays in world affairs. True, ever since the inception of the United Nations, the principal religions of the world have pledged their support to that organization. Referring to its 50th anniversary, Pope John Paul II spoke of the United Nations as "the instrument par excellence for promoting and safeguarding peace." His sentiments are shared by a global community of religious leaders. But this tactful liaison between religion and government cannot hide the fact that religion has been a hindrance and a nuisance to the United Nations.For centuries religion has played a prime role in promoting or supporting nationalistic hatred, wars, and genocides. In recent years, under the cloak of religious fervor, neighbors have killed one another. The term "ethnic cleansing" has been widely used in connection with the war in the Balkans. However, the violent hatred that many there have for one another is based on religious affiliation rather than on race, since most of them have the same ethnic roots. Yes, religion must accept much of the responsibility for the bloodbath in the former Yugoslavia, and the United Nations has not been able to stop it.Appropriately, a college professor of religion recently stated that "in a post cold-war world of increasing religious militancies, an examination of religion and genocide may be one of our more pressing priorities, despite the discomfort it engenders." A new awareness of how religion is impeding the efforts for world peace is evident today.
A 1981 UN declaration stated: "Concerned by manifestations of intolerance and by the existence of discrimination in matters of religion or belief still in evidence in some areas of the world, Resolved to adopt all necessary measures for the speedy elimination of such intolerance in all its forms and manifestations and to prevent and combat discrimination on the ground of religion or belief."
In harmony with their declaration, the United Nations has declared 1995 to be the Year for Tolerance. Realistically speaking, though, will it ever be possible to achieve peace and security in a world divided by religion?
The Future of ReligionA prophecy in the Bible book of Revelation provides the answer. It speaks of a symbolic "great harlot" that sits as "a queen" and has "a kingdom over the kings of the earth." This harlot lives "in shameless luxury" and has relations with the world?s governments. These governments are depicted as "a scarlet-colored wild beast," upon which the harlot rides in comfort. (Revelation 17:1-5, 18; 18:7) Known as "Babylon the Great," this powerful and immoral woman is named after ancient Babylon, the cradle of idolatrous religion. Appropriately, today the harlot represents all the world?s religions, which have mingled in with the affairs of governments.The account goes on to say that, in time, God will put it into the hearts of militaristic components of the wild beast to take action. These "will hate the harlot and will make her devastated and naked, and will eat up her fleshy parts and will completely burn her with fire." (Revelation 17:16) Thus Jehovah God himself will have taken the initiative by maneuvering powerful nations into a campaign to remove false religion. The worldwide religious system, with its luxurious temples and shrines, will be completely devastated. Religious hindrance to establishing peace and security will then be out of their way. But even then, will there be real peace and security on earth?
Imperfect Human NatureIs there any guarantee that eliminating religion will really clear the way for a world without war? No. The United Nations will continue to face an ironic situation. On the one hand, people want peace and security. Yet, on the other hand, it is people who pose the greatest threat to peace and security. Hatred, pride, egotism, selfishness, and ignorance are human traits at the root of all conflicts and wars.?James 4:1-4.
The Bible foretold that in our day people would be "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride."?2 Timothy 3:1-4.
Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali acknowledged that "the world is suffering from a social and moral crisis which, in many societies, is of immense proportions." No amount of diplomatic maneuvers can neutralize the harmful traits of imperfect human nature.?Compare Genesis 8:21; Jeremiah 17:9.
Jesus Christ?The Prince of PeaceClearly, the United Nations does not have the ability to bring world peace. Its members and supporters are all imperfect humans, notwithstanding their lofty goals. The Bible says that "to earthling man his way does not belong. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." (Jeremiah 10:23) Furthermore, God warns: "Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs."?Psalm 146:3.
The Bible foretells what Jehovah will accomplish through his Son, the "Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6, 7 states: "There has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end."
The nations of the world have been wearied by 50 years of frustrated efforts. Very soon they will destroy harlotlike religious organizations. Then Jesus Christ, the "King of kings and Lord of lords," and his army of heavenly warriors will dissolve all human governments and put to death all who reject God?s sovereignty. (Revelation 19:11-21; compare Daniel 2:44.) By this means Jehovah God will bring about a world without war.
[Footnotes] For an in-depth study of the prophecy of Revelation regarding Babylon the Great, see chapters 33 to 37 of the book Revelation?Its Grand Climax At Hand!, published in 1988 by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. [Box on page 7]THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF THE UNITED NATIONSIn Bible prophecy, human governments are often symbolized by wild beasts. (Daniel 7:6, 12, 23; 8:20-22) Hence, for many decades the Watchtower magazine has identified the wild beasts of Revelation chapters 13 and 17 with today?s worldly governments. This includes the United Nations, which is depicted in Revelation chapter 17 as a scarlet-colored beast with seven heads and ten horns.
However, this Scriptural position does not condone any form of disrespect toward governments or their officials. The Bible clearly states: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves."?Romans 13:1, 2.
Accordingly, Jehovah?s Witnesses, who are maintaining strict political neutrality, do not interfere with human governments. They never foment revolution or participate in acts of civil disobedience. Rather, they recognize that some form of government is necessary to maintain law and order in human society.?Romans 13:1-7; Titus 3:1.
Jehovah?s Witnesses view the United Nations organization as they do other governmental bodies of the world. They acknowledge that the United Nations continues to exist by God?s permission. In harmony with the Bible, Jehovah?s Witnesses render due respect to all governments and obey them as long as such obedience does not require that they sin against God.?Acts 5:29. -
Lies I tell you!!!! Lies Lies Lies!!!!!
Clearly an apostate hacked the UN web site and posted that fake letter there!!!
Elsewhere, hush your mouth and wash it out with soap!
Hey, I'm pumped! Thanks jgnat for finding that... were you searching the UN site today and stumbled across it? Was it easy to find? I hope that it is easily found, even if one wasn't aware it was there.
Hey, that was a terrific idea, Bonezz and SNG!! Sometimes 39 cents gives a really great return. It's awesome to see that return come so quickly...
Remember that we asked for:
They were not able to give the photocopies or names of individuals, but the dates and terms of agreement from 1992 are there.- The dates of the Watchtower Society?s membership as an NGO.
- The names of the Watchtower Society officers who signed the agreement.
- The then-current terms an organization must agree to in order to become an NGO.
- Photocopies of the agreement with signatures
I especiallly love the comment at the end of Hoeffel's letter, "...we are unable to address the scores of duplicate requests regarding the WTBTS that are being directed to our offices."