How YOU Humiliate the Watchtower (4/1/04)

by metatron 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Take a good look at the April 1, '04 Watchtower, with its garish 'wild beast' on the cover.

    Now, wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity to show a picture of the UN building being

    destroyed at Armageddon? Wouldn't be a good idea to blast the churches of Christendom

    for supporting this Satanic counterfeit Kingdom of God?

    But the article simply defines the 'wild beast' as "all political rule". It also is quick

    to point out that human governments can serve as "God's minister" , protecting human

    rights, "including the right to engage in true worship".

    Why is there no picture of the UN building crashing in Divine destruction? Why

    is the article's text now so cautious?

    Because of YOU!

    Because the Society knows it is being watched! Because they know that your letters

    and phone calls and internet posts are exposing them to legal and political trouble.

    Because they must beg HUMAN AGENCIES for help, and the last thing they need is

    some opposer pointing out their rank hypocrisy - to a judge or bureaucrat.

    I swear they could generate electricity - from Judge Rutherford spinning in his grave!

    Keep 'chipping' away! YOU are winning! THIS IS the only practical way to change

    an otherwise heartless religion - by exposing them to merited ridicule and legal trouble.

    Your voice - and efforts count!


  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Great Post!!!!

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Good post...

    but they could just be getting ready to "re-apply" for association.

    They might be finding it difficult to slither into previously accessed places.



    Right on metatron!! They may be the Tower...but we be the Termites!! Crunch, crunch, crunch.


  • Stephanus
    but they could just be getting ready to "re-apply" for association.

    This is a very interesting conundrum for them. They wanted to be an NGO and only quit as a kneejerk reaction to apostates leaking their membership status to the R&F. It has been speculated here that there was going to be an official announcement, some "new light" about the issue, in the manner of "some of Jehovah's people have speculated as to the identity of the wild beast and have falsely concluded that it was the UN" (adding that the 'Tower has always shown the UN in a good light, and referencing their pro-UN articles from the last decade). They were beaten to it by "apostates" who discovered the 'Tower on the UN list of NGOs. The S***storm that resulted had them backing away and resigning from the UN. But it is clear that they really feel that NGO status is a good thing; they're still publishing positive stuff about the UN, probably waiting for a chance to re-apply. But how can they do so and save face? It's not like they can get away with it, now that people know where to look.

  • stillajwexelder

    But how can they do so and save face?

    They can be like Jesus and be humble and show humilty. We are sorry, we made a mistake -- I know it will not happen but why not - humility is a christian quality and they claim to be christian

  • Cheetos

    Yes Munch Crunch Munch Crunch fellow Termites, "munch ahead munch ahead always swallow through its the will of our God that bring down the Tower too"

  • Nathan Natas
  • r51785

    This post shows the dilemma that the Watchtower organization faces. The number one goal of all organizations is self perpetuation. This is difficult to do in changing times. Especially when you are dogmatic about your organization being the only "true" organization.

    I am sure that the lawyers in Brooklyn want very much to curry favor with the UN in order to open up new markets to literature sales. However the old timers (who will soon be spinning with the Judge) are resistant to change. As a result there is a great deal of inner stress on the organization, kind of like the pressure that builds up before an earthquake.

    I don't think this pressure will destroy the organization as there will always be people willing to sell literature in return for everlasting life. As Mr. Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time." But I do think interesting days are ahead for the printing company and its volunteer sales force.

  • Kenneson


    Humility is definitely not a JW. forte. Can someone give me examples in W.T. literature where they have ever apologized for any wrongdoing.

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