I was told the JW's were predicting a new date based on Moses timeline as opposed to Daniel and Ezekial. I don't get the magazines anymore so I don't have the Feb. 1st Watchtower that I was told the article was in. Does anyone know the name of this article so I can read it on the Watchtower.org? Just wanted some more ifo on the subject. Thanks.
Has anyone else heard this?
by unique1 11 Replies latest watchtower bible
Could you be more specific but brief as to what the
Moses timline is
Ezekiel timeline is
Daniel timeline is
Maybe you mean Noah and the 120 years?
A friend said the WT was predicting 2034 as the new Armageddon year, similar to their prediction of 1975. She said they used some things said by Moses to prove this. Prophies by Ezekiel and Daniel were used to establish the 1914 date and therefore the 1975 date. I was wondering if anyone else had read of a new date prediction. I can't believe they would be stupid enough to try that again, but you never know.
Yes. They claim to have the original reed basket that lil moses floated down the nile in! After carefully taking it apart, it ended up in 2034 pieces of straw. The FDS called upon the remnant of the "annointed" who, in their divine wisdom, indicated this was the "number of the least" leading to the certainty of Jah's army decending on the "heavenly footstool". Only one conclusion was consistant with Alvogodro's law, that they year AD 2034 would be the annilation of satan's spawn, including all apostates and heathens in the great battle of "Harlem O Get One"
I can't search JWD right now, but there was no specfic mention of the year 2034. There was a detailed discussion of Noah and the fact that 120 years was given to him to complete his tasks of building the ark and telling others about the coming flood.
Since 1914 is the pivotal date for when the human family was put on notice that destruction was imminent (sic) according to the WTS, could they be saying that humans have only 120 years from 1914 out to 2034? Only time will tell and further statements by the WTS.
Thanks Blondie. She must have gotten confused about it being Moses. The Noah thing makes sense (well in JW speak anyways). I will have to look it up now.
Those sill rabbits... the date is 2012. Read the Myan Calendar!
Don't get too excited by talk of a 2034 prediction.
It is true that an end period of 120 years during Noah's was mentioned in a recent Watchtower but there wasn't any implication that this would hold true for the "end". All they continue to say is the "end" must be very close.
All my family are still "in" and so I get all the feedback. As far as I am aware, the R&F have certainly not interpreted this as a possible new "deadline" date.
Dr. Stephen E. Jones in his book Secrets of Time explains a lot about timing cycles. Noah's 120 years is not the only 120 years mentione in his biblical stuies. Another is the 40 years Moses was brought up Egyptian, 40 years he was in the Wilerness alone, 40 years through the wilderness with the Israelites. Another is the 40 years of Saul, 40 of David, and 40 of Solomon. More important that the 120 years from 1914 is the 120th Jubilee year from the fall of man. Both the JWs and Dr. Jones do not seem to notice this point but I am a believer in 2033-34 being the year of that anti-typical Jubilee. The fact that it is 2000 years (2days) from the "crucifixion" would also double witness this idea.
Secrets of Time can be found online at http://www.godskingdomministries.org/booklist.htm