One of the biggest reasons many can't get over the fact that my wife, daughter and I left the "truth" is because we were considered "spiritual models" in the Hall as well as circuit. We knew everybody from COs and Bethel heavies to "prominent" elders and families within the organization. We were on many circuit parts and I had the "privilege" () of being in many years worth of District Convention parts when I was a teenager. We, as a family were considered, "spiritual GIANTS". When you were in the congregation, did others view you as a "spiritual man, woman or child" or were you one of the "weak ones"?
Were You Considered A Spiritual Person In The Congregation?
by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends
lol I could give the best answers at the bookstudy & WT study...gave excellent talks *sigh* but I lacked in service Bro. Mini....service..the bane of my JW existance. If it hadn't been for that I would have been the model dub...well that and the romance novels squirreled away in my bedroom....
I hated service too, Xena!
Phantom Stranger
I'm minded of what Princess Buttercup said to Prince Humperdinck when asked if she thought Wesley was brave:
"Only compared to some."
Good one, Phantom!
Yes, I was........................but I wasn't. I thought I was though.
Inconceivable PS...inconceivable!
Phantom Stranger
Take care of yourself...remember, if you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything.
Service was the bane of my JW existence also, I managed to get out, oh about 4 times....
...per year
But I always tried to give thoughtful answers at the book studies and stuff, people always would say "Br. Dan you give such nice comments"
Then I'd leave the KH and go home and watch porn vids, not good.
I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!