Bad News Today

by cruzanheart 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Oh my dear Nina, how can I express my deep feelings for what is happening to you and your family.

    It is one of the most tragic things to see happen when a person who was intelligent and had the ablilty to carry on daily living most of their lives and all of a sudden that ravages of Alzeimers disease sets in. It is an, Insidious disease (Med.), a disease existing, without marked symptoms, but ready to become active upon some slight occasion; a disease not appearing to be as bad as it really is. And so the disease begins to destroy you. Almost reverting to a child. It is a very scary thing to deal with.

    And then the next thing you know the disease has caught you off guard and its down hill all the way. My tears for you are real Nina, as I am starting to deal with Marco's early stages of Alzeimers. And I am so afraid as to what will happen down the road. Already as one poster said his grandma accused him of stealling money to the tune of 5000.oo$ well my beautiful husband Marco has started to accuse me of the same thing. I just now realized that I am going to have an uphill battle with this disease, just as you and your family are. And also to all other families who have loved ones with Alzeimers. He has symptoms of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde. It gets worse with every (for a lack of a better work) attack!

    I can only hope I have the courage do deal with this and I have so little support I will have to depend of the medical system. Perhaps his daughter but she lives nearly three hours from us. I do keep in touch with her on a regular basis. I don't think she understands the disease.

    Oh well, I just hope I am strong enough, with my own health being bad, I can only hope for the best.

    Well Nina my heart is with yours and may God bless you.

    Love Orangefatcat.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    I am sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    regards, Frank

  • sandy

    I am so sorry to hear about this. I wish you and your loved ones all the best. I especially hope that your mother is not suffering.

  • bikerchic

    Wow ((((((Nina)))))) I jjust read your reply:

    Mom has had, to quote my dear Aunt Mona, "a good run." She led a very interesting life and witnessed a lot of history

    What a life she has lived! It struck me how little one knows of their parents lives or grandparents. I think it's so good that you have this history of her. She sounds like a very lovely and interesting lady, and you are a chip off the old block.

    Hang in there!


  • wednesday

    My mom had a slow decline too. She would sometimes call me by her sisters name. Hers was complicated by physical illness too. Eventually she became agressive and had to be placed in a nursing home. There she did great, and if it had not been for an unexpected physical problem, she'd still be with us. She had lost all ability to converse, but still seemed to understand what u said, if u used simple sentences .

    I cried until i could not cry any longer. Most of my crying was done before her death, so when it finally happened, I was sort of prepared. I miss her very much, i want to go to her room and get her up and have a cup of coffee with her. We always enjoyed sharing a cup of coffee. it is sad, and only time eases the pain. But now i am having pleasnt mrmories of her, and not the sad ones. so that is a step in the right direction.

    u have been through so much Nina, all i can say, u are so lucky to have BT. I know he will be there to support u. As will all of us.


  • slipnslidemaster

    ((((( nina, chris and family )))))

  • cruzanheart

    Thanks for all the hugs, you guys. It really helps to know I have so many friends! And now I think I will go to bed. I had to go fill out release forms this morning at 7:00 a.m., and in spite of a sleeping pill I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep, so it's been a long day. And a long drive. It's 20 miles up the road to the nursing home and then 40 miles from the nursing home to work. I was in desperate need of coffee and a bathroom by the time I got to work.

    This is hard but it is part of the circle of life. I learned a lot of good things from my mother, and I am grateful to her for trying her best.

    Love to all,


  • jaded

    Nina, my mom has been in a nursing home for about two years with Alzheimers and various other problems. I just got her on hospice last week. The hospice program is wonderful. It takes a special person to do that type of work and they are really a great help. I feel that my mom is getting more attention and better care now. Everyone in a nursing home should be treated that well. It's a shame that they have to wait until the end is near. Hang in there Nina. I understand what you are going through. It's tough but we will get through it.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    {{{{{ Nina }}}}}

    Your mother has lived a full life - (people should be so lucky) ....thanks for sharing, her life was very interesting, and I think most people on this board would agree that she raised a remarkable daughter. My thoughts and prayers go out to you during this difficult time.

    Double Edge

  • Eyebrow2

    Sorry to hear of her decline....(((NINA)))


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