Just told a dub about the UN letter; the blind just won't see

by acsot 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • acsot

    I just told a dub here at work about the letter. Well, actually I led up to it by mentioning Sister Self-Righteous (known by the dub here) who told me about the UN thing a while back and used the old library card excuse. When the dub told me I was on my way out of Watchtower-land anyhow, but the blatant hypocrisy just floored me. That dub is still as self-righteous as ever.

    Okay, so here's how the conversation went:

    Me: ?You know Sister Self-Righteous??

    Dub: ?oh yeah?

    Me: ?Well, over a year ago she told me this, and I was shocked, but it was right at the time my mother had her stroke so I didn?t pursue it. Anyhow, she told me that the Society had been affiliated with the United Nations for many years and I figured that since you and Elder Husband know so many big-wigs you?d be able to explain it to me.?

    Dubs? eyes get wide

    Dub: ?I can?t believe it!?

    Me: ?That?s what I thought too. I mean it?s so hypocritical, yet apparently it was for some library card.?

    Dub: ?Well, why would they need a library card so badly? I can?t believe it.?

    Me: ?I know, and I didn?t really believe Sister Self-Righteous either, I thought maybe someone had told her a lie, so I checked on the U.N. website and there was this letter all about it. I printed it up. Apparently the Society was affiliated for around ten years, as an NGO.?

    Dub: ?It?s hard to believe, I mean, it?s wrong for us to do other things ..?

    Me: interrupting a bit: ?yeah, if I joined the YMCA in order to use their gym I?d get disfellowshipped, but the Society can join the U.N. as an NGO. Doesn't make sense.

    So that?s why I thought you?d be able to explain it to me ?cause you know so many at Brooklyn.?

    (Dub and husband are friends with members of the GB and others.)

    Dub: ?Oh, well, that?s probably something the higher-ups want to keep secret!?

    Me: (getting rather flabbergasted at the blindness) ?It?s just so hypocritical, I mean we?ve been preaching for years about the scarlet-coloured wild beast and not prostituting ourselves with the politics of this world. It just doesn?t seem right. I thought you?d know about it seeing as you know ____________ and ____________ in Brooklyn.?

    Dub: laughing, ?Oh I doubt the higher-ups would want news like that getting around!?

    Dub giggles and returns to her office, leaving me in the coffee room with my mouth open.


    As many have said, when you?re wilfully blind, you?ll gladly stay that way so as not to upset your comfortable life. The above-mentioned dub and hubby have it good, travel all over the world, staying with their high-up friends, inside gossip, invites to annual meetings, Bethel dedications, etc. They ain?t going nowhere out of reach of the GB?s clutches.


  • link


    Whenever I bring up something like the U.N. business I nearly always get the same response from any member of my dub family:

    "What has that got to do with anything" or "Why should I need to know that"

    There is just nothing in this whole world that the Society could do that would make them doubt for an instant that they, and they alone, have the "truth". The Governing Body is completely incapable of any form of error in their eyes and could never do or say anything that was not completely right in every way.

    I’ve given up and don’t even try any more!


  • acsot


    It is so damn ridiculous! How many wrongs have to be committed before it's no longer the "truth". Sheesh! As the saying goes, there are none so blind as those who will not see.

  • hawkaw

    WRT the why.

    I suggest that you don't go into the YMCA stuff. I

    Remember the 1991 and 1976 WT rags, the Muller book and read over my essay again. The idea is that the WTS has banned such associations with the UN as they are what the other evil churches do and has stated that doing what the WTS did gets people disassociated. I might suggest that you may need to personalize and humanize the issue a bit and you have to continue to do it in a questioning style.

    Ask her if was okay that JW people died and were beaten by the thousands in Malawi over just such an issue.

    Ask her are the Governing Body members part of the Faithful and Discreet slave and ask her what "Discreet" means.

    Ask her if those thousands of Malawi Jehovah's Witnesses who died, or were raped or beaten did it for nothing?

    As such if people died for the Faithful and Discreet Slave then should not the Faithful and Discreet Slave hold themselves to the same standard?

    If you get this far (and I doubt it) then ask her if the Governing Body members are also responible for the deaths and beatings of thousands of Jehoavh's Witnesses.

    Then ask if what would she think of the Governing Body's decision to "partner" with the UN if she was one of those Jehovah's Witnesses in jail in Greece for refusing to participate in Government duties (ie. manadatory joingin of the military).

    Just some thoughts. The odds are NOT in your favour. But just an odd question here or there may (note the word "may") help clear the "fog".


  • acsot

    Thanks Hawk. I will try and bring up the part about the Malawi brothers and sisters. However, I don't have much hope, she's chatting now about vacation time, probably going to schmooze with the ol' farts in Brooklyn.

  • blondie

    I found the book True Believer by Eric Hoffer to be illuminating when it comes to understanding why so many JWs cannot or will not see the facts in front of them.

    Also, anyone with experience in Al-Anon knows about how strong DENIAL can be when trying to have alcoholics (and their enablers) see how serious their drinking is.

    Blondie (never give up on doing what you think is right even if the results aren't what you expected)

  • Satanus

    Hi Ac

    I see you are using skills learned in the theocratic min school. I'ld mark you good on introduction, audience application of material, audience encouraged to use brain, etc. It's interesting to see someone use their stuff against them.


  • doodle-v


    She may have responded like it was no big deal. However it may have created a tiny crack that might get bigger if other issues are brought up as well. Sometimes it takes several instances for dubs to finally see what is really going on. Or if something affects her personally that is when she may stop and think.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    "You can't free a closed mind"

    Typically no one takes the red pill without first being consciously in a state of wanting for answers.

    You could show pictures of the GB in army fatigues sticking a boynette into a person and a closed minded JW would scream that the pics were doctored.

    BTW, I got the pics if you want to see them

  • willyloman
    The above-mentioned dub and hubby have it good, travel all over the world, staying with their high-up friends, inside gossip, invites to annual meetings, Bethel dedications, etc.

    With perks like that, what's a little hypocrisy to endure?

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