They were affiliated and aligned with the U.N. to the extent any non governmental organization could be. Their involvement extended beyond mere recognition by the U.N. agencies as an NGO to being actively promoting the U.N. as an active participant as a DPI agent. There are distinct levels of involvement. The hypcricy in my eyes is not the religious rhetoric as much as the printed condemnation of other religious organizations ("Their Refuge a Lie" 1991 WT) who shared the identical statis as they were then seeking thru deception and were granted only months later.
And Yes I can see only two agendas for their duplicity, (1) for money, they did receive monies as an active NGO in Idia but this seeems less likely motive than , (2) Image. They were embroiled in a number of legal battles in Europe and Africa that questioned the ethical and legal stand of the WT in issues of blood, family welfare and military. Having the recognition of the world's largest humantarian and human rights organization must have helped immensely. Too bad the DPI staff is overworked and too trusting. They were easy to dupe it seems, all they needed to see was a few articles and for the WT to charter a plane to Africa to deliver food and they were in.