I had a bad accident a couple of years ago, a large truck ran a stop sign on a highway crossover. I could not stop at 70 mph.
My only real fear...?
During and after my horrendous divorce from my JW wife, she had turned our 3 kids against me with every kind of lie she could, Adultry (Absolutely False), Danger Spiriturally ( spotty attendance), Filthy Masturbater (Guilty ), had a Demon (looked at Playboy), get it? You know the JW grill drill. Spiritural Warfare, lie like the Devil if it gets you your way. With 9/10ths of the Elders in her Congo, being her relatives -- she got away with it all, even tho' they agreed she had no grounds.
My kids were convinced their Mom "would never lie, 'cause she loved Jehovah so-o much," I must have seemed to be guilty as Satan, after all I had a Demon... Like Sassy, my kids would have nothing to do with me...I've never mentioned this before here, I feel comfortable now. Just recently, my oldest daughter has come around and we visit and talk often...not the other two...yet. I'll NEVER give up.
I have been trying, so-o very hard to make things better between myself and my children, I know it will take more time...
My biggest fear? Something happening to me or them -- before these things get resolved...before they know what a lyer their Mom really is...I've never trashed her, even tho' I could. Nothing...not even the death of my Mom has been harder on me. Death is understandable...the greiving is finite. What is happening here, knowing I'm innocent, is like the most painful Cancer eating me slowly. * gasp *
Somebody here just had to ask, "What's your biggest fear...?
The speeding big 18-wheel truck skids past the stop sign...
It's inevitable...I said, "Oh, God no-o...not now...not like this..." Blackness...
True story. I cannot tell you how many times I've dreamed of it or something similar, since then.
I am so afraid of 'leaving things like this...'
That's mine. Thanks for listening.