F&cking elder #2 just called

by acsot 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot
    Hugs 'n smoochies, chere!

    Frannie B

    same to gal!

    The WTS is a book publishing and sales organization and old people can't contribute to the company's goals, so they are left behind. It's left up to their family to care for them. If they have no family (or lost their family because of the truth and adopted the WTS as their new family), they are SOL.

    You are so right about that Willy! Now it makes total sense!

  • Sassy

    Ascot.. I meant to reply to this yesterday and got interrupted.... then because it had been on my mind t post to you, I was thinking that I did! So I'm sorry!!

    Your experience is such a vivid reminder of the lack of love. When I first became inactive, it wasn't because I didn't think it was the 'truth'.. there had been a lack of love in the congregation but it wasn't the main reason for my first being missing at the meetings.. eventually I made the choice not to return and a large large reason for it, was that lack of love. No one has ever called me to see why I stopped going to meetings. No one really cared I stopped. They didn't even call for my service time.. ever..

    things like this only remind me how much this can not be from God's direction. This isn't how he would channel his energies?

    I am just glad that our eyes could be open to see it.. so we could get away enough to realize how blindly we had been lead..

    Here is a hug.. we care about you.. EVERY day.. and we don't even care about your service time.. we care about you!

  • acsot

    wannaexit and Sassy: thanks loads.

    Sassy, I sometimes do the same thing - think about something, then believe I actually did it because I had thought about doing it!

    I just feel really bad for those who have no family around them, and who still believe it's the "truth". How horrible they must feel.

  • Dansk
    Now, being the gutless wimp that I am, I started to shake, my voice was about to start shaking so I shut up.

    On the contrary, Acsot. You've got a lot more guts than you realise. Well done, my friend!


  • acsot

    Thanks Ian! I hope to one day arrive at where you're at - out for good and telling the WTS to phuck oph.

  • Dansk
    out for good and telling the WTS to phuck oph


    You're on your way buddy - and it's GREAT to see!


  • blacksheep

    I'm sorry you have to go through this! It's been years since I've been out. But one of the turning pts for me was seeing the absolute callousness of people (my own mum the most). I remember when a 8 year old witness boy was dying of leukemia in our cong, my sister, who was close friends with the mother of the dying boy was very, very upset (she's had and HAS human feeling, which often conflicts with her JW training). They boy was scared. My mother was upset about that because she felt all the medical staff should see how "courageous" he was in his faith. Whenever a death of a JW occurred, esp the death of a young person, she always hinted about how they did something wrong and somehow brought it on themselves. We got into many arguments, where I actually called her on her callousness and putting the religion ahead of humanity, and her utter lack of respect for the person who had died, as well as their family....that's when I first started to stand up to her and openly challenge the JWs.

    I know it's shocking to come face to face with some of the JW's utter lack of human feeling. I know there are some good JW people out there, but IMO the bulk of them have to submerge their humanness to the org. After all they believe everyone who's not a JW in good standing will be destroyed during the big A, their carcasses strewn across the earth, birds pecking out there eyes. And the JWs who survive will have the great "blessing" of cleaning up the mess and "serving Jehovah" by being an unthinking cog in the great JW machine. THINK about it! Totally twisted, wrong.

    They have to appear to be good neighbors, appear to be fine, upstanding, caring citizens. Otherwise no one would want to join. It's only those who've been deeply entenched in the org who can see their devestating behavior and utter hypocracy.

    Please continue to find the support you need!! You never will find it with the JWs.

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