It's easier not to judge

by Dawn 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Its easier to point the finger and judge others, but remember that you have three finger pointing back at you.

    Yes as JWs we were always judging wether or not we realized it. Oh its easy to say, well I guess they made up their minds and they don't want to be a JW so they will die at Armeggedon. Judging! Or did you see how that family reacted to counsel about keeping their home cleaner. Judging! Did you see that brother go in that other room with the elders, I wonder what he did. Judging! Did you see how short that sisters skirts are these days. Judging! Don't you think that sister should go on a diet, she is a disgrace and looks like a slob, judging. Its an ongoing thing with JWs.

    I have to say that if we stopped judging and worked at doing more constructive things we would stop it. Our time is best spent at doing things that are upbuilding in stead of tearing down.

    Some people can't stop judging, and some times I equate that with gossip. Congregations are rampant with it, it is an epidemic in some kingdom halls. Yes we need to first extract that log from our own eye first before we judge others.

    I love and like people and I always try and find the good in them rather then critize them. Judge not that you be judged by what you judge others of.

    I will leave all judging up to God and his son Christ Jesus and that way I am off the hook...

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15

  • shotgun

    Dawn when I read your post it made me think of the opposite way God is portrayed in the OT and NT

    OT it was stone people for almost anything, even picking up wood on the sabbath

    In the NT as you memtioned*** Jesus said "you who have not sinned cast the first stone" ****

    I like the latter thankyou.

  • Valis

    Luke 9:49

  • shotgun

    Now I even see how they judge their own children who never accepted the teachings...

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