by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    Any1 ever thought of doing 1.

    There is a service that offers **** up(sp?)

    eg.U have got my daughter pregnant etc etc.

  • Hyghlandyr

    Thought about it, heck I tried it. I was pretendin to be a student. But then in the middle of the call I had to poop so I had to cut it short.

  • Mary

    How about Bethel making a funny (or more realistic) voice mail? I made this up a while ago:

    "...You have reached the voice mailbox for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Due to our inability to deal with problems and/or criticism we have decided to ignore your call at this time, but if you want to leave a message please choose one of the following options:

    If you are an elder and have just molested a child, please press #1;
    If you are an elder and someone has complained that a co-elder sexually molested them, please press #2.
    If you are a victim of child abuse or affiliated with Dateline, please hang up now.

    If you wish to donate your money to the Organization, please listen to the following options:

    • for amounts of $250,000 or more, please press any key and one of the Governing Body members will give you a written guarantee of Everlasting Life.
    • for amounts of $100,000 or more, please press 0' on your phone and you will be connected to a greedy Christian within seconds;
    • for amounts between $25,000 and $99,999, please press 00' and leave a message as to when you'll be delivering the loot;
    • for amounts between $5,000 and $24,999 we would like to ask you to dig down deep and get those greenbacks out. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver.
    • for amounts under $5,000, please hang up now and call back when you have more.

    If you would like to complain about how our changing doctrines have ruined your life, please readjust your thinking now. For help on readjusting your thinking, please press #4;

    If you are a wholesaler and have a good deal on Depends for our Governing Body members, please press #5;

    For depression, please go out in service and pray more;

    If you've practiced oral sex on your mate, please come straight to Bethel and show us exactly what you did;

    If you think you are possessed by Satan, please press #666 now;

    If you are a cross-dresser and would like to be part of the Governing Body, please call 1-800-J.R. BROWN for details;

    If you are a lawyer for Bill Bowan or Barbara Anderson, please hang up now.

    For all other inquiries, please wait on Jehovah and He'll be with you shortly.

  • wednesday

    Good u are back and in fine form, Mary. lol

  • imallgrowedup

    LOL @ Mary!!!

    If you think you are possessed by Satan, please press #666 now;
    For all other inquiries, please wait on Jehovah and He'll be with you shortly.


  • orangefatcat

    Way to go Mary.Cool Heart

    Oh I just love it.

    Keep um coming.

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15Roses

  • fairy


    you are just sooooooooooo goooooooooood!!

  • cyber-sista

    was having a bad JW flashback day and this one gave me a laugh--thanks

  • cyber-sista

    forgot to say mary--thanks mary--you put it together very well...

  • RevMalk

    LOL! @ Mary

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