Need help to blow-off the elders

by Roddy 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Oh my god!! That was hilarious!!! Whatever happened to good ol' Freddie Hall anyway? Man, that guy was the numero uno Troll........

  • little witch
    little witch


    "Just blow them off for a year", seems to be what you can deal with for now.

    My advice would be to thank them for thier concern, and accept the invitation to the memorial this year.

    Say you will, and don't. The reason for the visit is to get you to attend that one big event.

    They are not concerned with anything beyond that aim, including your well-being.

    Say you will, and don't is my advice. You will not hear from them for another year.

  • Roddy

    I want to thank ALL OF YOU for the great advices. I see good merit in all of them - from light to moderate. I got somethings to go with and I'll start practicing on things to do, prepare for, and have alternative strategies. I just was lost as to what to do and how to handle this. I think I'll make a street pioneer at a train station a little happy and get some of the latest mags just to be a little fresh on them, just in case.

    I really like the parts about lieing to them, acting, and killing them with kindness. They have lied, held back information, and put on acts on me. It will be great to use Theocratic War Strategy back on them. What's the purpose for Theocratic War Strategy anyway? Something about witholding the truth to those who don't deserve it? Or something like that. I think it can work both ways, right?

    Little Witch, I think you hit it on the head. The Memorial is coming. But I think it could be the CO too. So it is a combination of both. As I recall the CO comes visiting around Spring and Autumn.

    Well, I plan to be kind, non controversial, and very smiley.

    If all else fails, I like the broken record routine.

    Yes, I thought about being sick and stuff like that but maybe I should get it over with rather than live with the shadow over my head that they make come by when I least expect them. At least with the shepherding call I know when they are coming. But, who, knows? I just may stall them just a couple of times just for fun.

    I'm starting to feel better about this.

    What do any of you think in my giving them the line that I'm sad and depressed. Would that make them leave me alone as they can't handle physcological issues. Or would that backfire and cause them to be "motherly" and try to visit with me some more?

    I like that Fred Hall picture! I needed that joke.

    Thanks everyone!

    If there are more ideas, keep them coming.

  • cyber-sista


    I think you could mention the depression thing, but in a way that was very unclear without giving too much information out--remember, you have the right to your privacy. Maybe say something like..." I am not feeling too well lately so it's would be best for me not to talk about things right now" Just something a bit vague.

    Or your could find a therapist tell him the story and then say...."My doctor tells me that it is best for me to rest now and avoid stressful situations, so it would be best for me not to discuss things right now" and then they might feel a bit of GUILT GUILT GUILT, but maybe not.

    GOOD LUCK (i can say that now too without the guilt)

  • Hyghlandyr


    The advice I gave wasnt the advice I followed. I dont mind if the JWs shun me and I like varieties of controversy. So I told them plainly I was an apostate and would not let them DF me, nor follow their desire to DA myself. I told them I didnt believe in god and that God led their organization. I told them and showed them that their website claims they dont shun former members and that I am a former member and I KNOW the watchtower wouldnt lie about something like that would it? Because that would make them JUST LIKE EVERY RELIGION on the planet. If there is one thing JWs DONT want to be, its like other religions. So this prevented them from dfing me. Basically I made them follow their own rules while I followed my own.

    The reason for the advice I gave was because roddy mentioned not wanting to be out just yet. I would also give the same advice to a DFed person who wanted back in touch with their family..fake it get back in then gradually fade...

    Hope this works for you Roddy.

  • Yerusalyim

    Tell them you've formed your own religion, and that you teach that at death your soul goes to a garage in Buffalo NY where it's parted out for spares.

    OK, maybe you should ask someone else...I'm not good at this game.

  • Roddy

    Highlandyr, that's news to me. They can't DF you as per their public website? Please let me know where that is. I'll keep it as my trump card - just in case. Nice to have something they know but will not let on that that fact is there.

    You're correct. I don't want to leave the JWs. Or to be more precise, I don't want the JW rule makers slander me as "unclean" because of their petty self-importance. And cut me off from my family just because I don't want to follow the JW program anymore. If they can content themselves to leaving me alone as I've left them alone, then the watchtower and I will get along just fine. In my humble opinion, I'm a more honest and loving person now than I was a JW.

    I've given my heart and soul to this organization and in the end they've torn at it and finally broken it. While I have regrets for being a blind watchtower slave for so long and for believing so much, I blame my own stupidity. I'm moving forward. I'm healing. I'm not about burning bridges. However I'm not looking back. Enough said.

    Thanks all!

    Wish me luck!


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