Things you have to believe in to be a Unitarian today:
by Phantom Stranger 10 Replies latest social humour
lol. pretty much.
Phantom Stranger
Wasn't there a Simpson's episode where they burned a question mark in the Unitarian's front yard?
As I read the title I thought to myself, "well that is probably NOTHING".
As I clicked the threat to see your comments I thought to myself "thats probably what he will say, NOTHING"
LOL, Still got a laugh out of it. You said the the answer better then typing it.
Yes, exactly.
That's why I joined.
This is not the same as "Unitarians believe in nothing" or "believe in whatever they want." One thing they do believe in is that everybody has the right to figure out for themselves what they believe, and the church doesn't get to do anything about it but keep them company and help them stay honest.
Well, that and help people do the exploration part.
Phantom Stranger
I certainly mean no disrespect to the UU's... I like hanging out there, actually. I just thought it would fit the theme for the day...
I like hanging out there, actually
Me too. They have great Buddhism classes and art shows.
but why does the unitarian clergy dress in traditional Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian black priest/vicar/reverend shirt and pants with the collar thing. I mean what is that about?
Firstinline, I think it's because they can. As a UU preacher recently said, "We are heretics because we want to choose our faith; heresy means choice."
And just because they don't believe/teach conventional doctrine doesn't mean they are no longer clergy. UU ministers have a thorough education in Christian traditions, theology and doctrine - just for starters.
Basically, it's for the same reason they use the title "Reverend." They've earned it.
Besides, it's never a bad thing to mess with the minds of the religiously unimaginative