Evoloution Parody
by Beans 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Can you also put up the link to the parodies of the Jack Chick comics? I cant find it, and they are actually funny.
oh I didnt see it before. nevermind (edit)
Well, thanks for that--I've never seen those particular ones. They're clever. I not going to attempt to rebut them because it's out of my brain's present fact storage (lol, I don't want to look up a bunch of articles).
But I do want to say this: even if evolution were proven patently untrue, it still would not prove the existence of a creator. There could be other options than evolution, or "A" and "B"; there could be "C" "D" etc.
Evolution doesn't disprove God and in fact many believe that God used evolution in creation. However, as I said, even if evolution were proven to be entirely wrong, it simply wouldn not prove that there is a God.
Jesus descending from the sky in glory and splitting the mount of Olives apart with his feet wouldnt prove it either. But atheism would be generally less observed in people in either case.
Cute, FIL.
Au contraire mon ami, IF "Jesus descending from the sky in glory and splitting the mount of Olives apart with his feet" that were to happen in full view as the Bible describes events, then it'd be a different story. But if it is "invisible," lol, as the JWs say, then it means about as much as you can see.
If you agree then why are you rolling your eyes at me?
If jesus descended and split the mount of olives. That would be something. It's a bit hypothetical, though. In the mean time, it's interesting to know that jesus is holding together each and every atom in the universe. Is there any proof, besides the little phrase in the jewish book of fables, that jesus is doing this.
I've always felt it's just as likely we were 'planted' here by ETs, why not?
It's just another theory, which is all that evolution or creationism is, a theory.
Personally, I don't see where it matters much, I'll never know, might as well deal with figuring out the here and now.
Works for me, although I suppose enquiring minds want to know ... a mystery that may never be revealed.
my two
In the mean time, it's interesting to know that jesus is holding together each and every atom in the universe. Is there any proof, besides the little phrase in the jewish book of fables, that jesus is doing this.
Why are you asking me? When did I even say I agreed with Jack Chick. I have rarely come across a more raving lunatic. Maybe Apostle Eric. http://www.second8thweek.com he could be called crazier than Chick.
even if evolution were proven to be entirely wrong, it simply wouldn not prove that there is a God.
I was making a counter point to this assertion. I dont understand what your point is. If you think I am trying to support Jack Chick I am offended.
You said:
If you agree then why are you rolling your eyes at me?
The eyeroll is because your post about Jesus descending was implying that atheists would believe no evidence at all about God, Jesus, and religion. You seem to overlook that all of us were religious on this board at one time. And the deduction is by your statement is that atheist-types are close-minded, and prejudiced against reasonable evidence. I'm not going to explain nor defend my atheistic views to you, so that's why I did the eyeroll. Actually, your statement was pretty self-evident, so I don't understand how you misunderstood that I agreed with it or why I did the eyeroll. Pat