In my area of the world the 2 day circuit assembly will be held this weekend. I was wondering if anybody has attended this years assembly, or had any insight as to the message being delivered on Sunday afternoon titled "Don't look back...Look to the future" (or something to that effect). I must speculate and wonder if the message of this enlightening discourse will be to forget all the past mistakes of the Society, and concentrate on the paradise earth, and everything that is presented from now on by the Society..... "Don't grumble about minor adjustments made in God's organization friends, we have to remain steadfast in our support of those taking the lead as They humbly follow Jehovah's spirit direction on matters". etc. "Admittedly, adjustments have been made, and the light keeps getting brighter and brighter. But to dwell on minor perceived errors by our Brothers, is a snare...perpetrated by Satan".etc...... Any thoughts?