I know the bible has a lot of important lessons in it, but such a controversial book that is likely changed and such is quite a bit to live your life by. i mean, how do you know that daniel wasn't a constant opium user? or how do you know that the bible is complete? how do you know that the bible is taken symbolically or literally? hell, there's so much, from euphemisms to individual interpretation. so why do people take the bible so seriously when its almost the same writing as if i go wrote on some TP when i'm takin a poopy....
Do you think people take the bible too seriously?
by dustyb 17 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe the problem is that people DON'T take the Bible seriously.
Maybe we should also ask "Do you think people take the Koran, too seriously.
And ask the same questions about it.
And see what reaction you'd get from a Muslim.
Sara Annie
Yes, I do think people take the Bible too seriously. (And the Koran, and the Torah, and any other 'holy' book for that matter) The Canons have gone through countless minor--and major--changes throughout the century, and even if an 'original' text was authenticated it would likely be no more infallible than the current versions.
The bible is a book about faith. It is not a book about law, or history, or prophetic certainties. There are some really good, useful principles in the Bible. There are also some really useful principles in "The Cat in the Hat". Does that then mean that I should compile the complete works of Dr. Seuss and declare them sacred? ("Thou Shalt not eat in a boat, thou shalt not eat with a goat--thus sayeth the Lord")
We would do well to remember the old adage "Beware of the man who has read only one book".
Yes, misanthropic religionists take their holy books way too seriously.
Phantom Stranger
The map is not the territory.
When any group confuses the two, that's when trouble starts.
I'd have to answer no to the question . I think people like to use it to exploit others . They love to control , manipulate and twist the meaning to do it . I've noticed that most people that claim to christian are easy targets for being duped . It's like so easy to point out the hypocrisy and self serving attitudes from people involved with religion. Taking it seriously is not a main concern for most . IMO
Yes, people take the bible way too seriously. It is a book of myth that has be re-written and re-interpreted many times. The real meaning of the scriptures is long gone.
Yes. Its just a book. With a lot of controversy and contradiction.
lol You said poopie
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