by new light 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Octavia

    Drugs. Bless my stars. Yes, I was led back to Jehovah because of drugs. I was a homeless tweek for about 6 mos (which is not that long, really when I look at other tweeks). I prayed fervantly to Jehovah to help me out of the situation I was in, his blessing to me was an unplanned pregnancy. I distinctly remember... I had been up for about 2 weeks, no sleep, I had eaten maybe 3 times in 2 weeks; spun out of my mind, I was alreays reading cards or casting charts or something.

    This morning, I had been up all night working with dominos and dice, trying to devise a divination method... I did. I had an overwhelming feeling like I was going to or had conceived. Well, when I started putting all my toys away, my boyfriend at the time (current ex-husband) woke up and chopped us each a couple of lines.

    I snorted one line and ran to the toilet to puke. Right then I said "I think I'm pregnant". He said, Naw, your just high, have another line. I said "no, I'm pregnant, so I'm not goin to do any more dope until it's confirmed" Geez, talk about hard. I was staying in this flop house with about 10 other tweeks... I just made them hold my hand when they were doing lines and I couldn't.

    Two weeks later I asked for a pregnancy test. They didn't want to give me one because It wasn't even time for my period, much less the fact that I wasn't late! But I convinced them to do one and sure enough it was positive. So, we moved away from our tweek lifestyle and set up family (I already had a son that was living back and forth between my mom and his dad).

    10 mos after my daughter was born, we moved back to our old tweek town and guess what happened. I was somewhat moderate, I wouldn't allow myself to go more than 24 hours with sleeping, but my husband went off the deep end again. I did some serious consideratons and made my dedication in prayer to Jehovah. I was re-instated inside of 2 mos.

    Now I don't like meth any more. It's bad stuff; but I still love weed, shrooms, and I would really like to try peote, I guess I'd better learn to spell it first.

    So at the time, getting re-instated was my way of controlling my little run-away demon; my husband quit using it then too, although he's gone back to it recreationally since. But currently, I'm w/ Saintsatan on the use of other, more organic mind expanding sustances... I love to smoke weed and meditate of do yoga or read or go for a walk or have tantric sex. I think some of the substances that Jah gave us have a purpose. Marijuana, the poppy plant, the coca bean, etc.

  • ball.

    wow, you've had quite a life Octavia, I would also like to know what tantic sex is, if it's not too personal a question.

  • ball.

    Can I tell you something really fascinating that happened to me after two days on drugs. I realise theres people here who are definately not into drugs and probably don't want to hear, and one day I will post a story why I am against certain drugs, particularly alcohol. But anyway.

    An interesting thing happened to me after staying awake for 2 days on amphetamine. As I had been taking it for several weeks, the adrenaline rush that makes you run round doing things had gone, and just my mind was working overtime. I sat in an arm chair feeling slightly paranoid when I suddenly left the chair and moved through the ceiling. I was able to see the sub-strata that made up the ceiling, the inside of the wooden beams and the insulation etc. I was pulled straight back into the chair as I was so scared. Later my feild of vision was broken down into polygons, Everything I was seeing was segregated into discreet objects which didn't always relate to objects as you know them in real life... part of a shelf with it's shadow with part of the adjoinming wall would form one large polygon, which could be seperated and would "drift off" into the wrong place. I found this element of drug taking fascinating. Needless to say, these curious side effects are the only thing I gained from the experience, I do not believe the net effects of some drugs to be beneficial at all.

  • Yerusalyim


    Tantric Sex, as I understand it, is sex that's so intense and dare I say "spiritual" that you feel as if you're one NOT JUST with your partner, but with all creation. (Ok, I looked it up on a google search).

  • ZeroKool29

    "Anyway, I prefer life clear headed and sober these days and have in my mind certainty about what I do or do not want to do, unlike when I was a witness having just a notion that these things were all "bad" but not really knowing why. The best education you can get is to find out for yourself." I truly appreciate that portion of your post. You can be told about and read all the WTS literature about the dangers of alcohol but being sheltered doesn't fully impress the dangers upon you.

  • shamus

    I always felt bad about doing pot whilst I was in "the world". My depression, and "savior" Jehovahs Witnesses made me a new man! Made me sick to death of living, and wanting to die all the time.

    Thanks Jobie Nitwits for your help!

    I still toke, usually daily. It helps me get through my life and calms me down. Complete reversal. I don't drink much at all, and I have tried Acid once (whilst 16, hated it) and still do zoomers every year. Tried coke once, and was no big deal.... just got really talkative and intense. I will never do coke again.

    Crystal meth... whoa. That stuff is bad bad bad. There is a serious problem up here in Kanaba with that stuff. People cook it up at home and giver. Pretty scary and sick to say the least! I would never try that crap.

    I'm rambling.

    So, in a sense, I did find jehover whilst wanting to make myself happy. The problem is he just made me miserable.

  • Octavia

    You're right! Meth is bad stuff. I was stuck for 6 mos... I went with it for awhile, but it got really miserable, really fast. I just happened to remember to pray the way I was taught during one of my hearfelt expressions to My Higher Spirit and the Divine Universe. That night that my prayer was answered I said "...Jehovah, if you're out there" I hadn't prayed to Jehovah in over 11 years at that time. Then when I was closing, I said my usual "by all the power of 3 times 3, to not come back or cause harm on me, blessed be, blessed be, blessed be... Oh, yea, In Jesus' name, amen".

    I was "rescued" by fate? destiny? pregnancy... whatever just days later.

    Anyway, for those who wanna know more about Tantra, yes, it is intensly spiritual in nature. It is the use of sexual energy to open up and stimulate the chakras resulting in transformative ecstatic states of being. It's awesome, I practice as often as possible. I'm also looking forward to exploring the use of Ch'i energy in a practice of Tai Ch'i, and am exploring the idea of dabbling in some kundalini awareness type exercises...

    I'm rambling. Better go smp.

  • Satanus


    I hear that it's good to have an experienced coach before getting into kundalini. We had a guy who fell into this. Here is his first post about it:


    Scrolling down, you can click on his succeeding posts to get more of the story.


  • Octavia

    Wow, thanks SaintSatan. I didn't scroll down yet, but I will. I understand that there are phenomonal physical and metaphysical as well as "paranormal" developments that occur with the awakening of Kundalini, and I feel that my careful exploration will guide me as to when I'm ready to undergo that massive of a spiritual transformation. I'm getting there; I appreciate the head's up. Already the one book that I have, I don't like, I'll tell you why some time.

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