Insistance on legal contracts
by StarTrekAngel 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Just asking those who still attend or keep up with the latest magazines. There was a WT study not too long ago that insisted on studying every pact that God made in the past, but adding the spin of calling them "legal contracts". This week's book study concentrated on the same thing. Not to start a conspiracy thread, but this smells funny to me. -
I have not been to a meeting in a year now, but I do remember phrases like "legal contract" "legally binding" etc in reference to "agreements" Jehovah made. -
You talking about the articles on the Covenants? -
Yeah the covenants, but I was thinking more like anything Jehovah promised or decreed could be considered and referred to as "legally binding" simply because Jehovah said it. But maybe that was my interpretation . I'll try and find an example to illustrate. -
With Saturn in Sagittarius, which rules religion and the legal system, there is a higher than normal chance they will start enforcing it. And this time, with declining membership and financial hardship looming, they want souls to damn--especially all those souls that left the cancer while Saturn was in a different sign. And that includes going on that stupid Israel mission. That includes Grand Boasting Sessions that involve traveling halfway across a state (and possibly even tests of obedience by altering the venue halfway through the Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign). That includes pious-sneering, including sacrificing one's physical health to get times upward of 120 hours a month when the "requirement" is only 70.
The only hope of salvation is if their dollars become toilet paper before they can act. If that happens, the lawyers start demanding payment in gold (or silver), and they don't have any. And, if they don't get the judgment because they cannot pay the gold and/or silver, they are not getting any of mine. I can only hope they lose that race.
God must be a lawyer to require himself to have his son killed to satisfy his law of balance, and then have the "value" hand-delivered back to him, and then delaying the release by thousands of years. so:
Is god a mathematician? lawyer? we hope not!
I don't see anything sinister. It's just a vestige of Rutherford's (the lawyer and one-time substitute judge) influence.
Likewise, JWs are organized into "circuits" and (until recently) "districts" - just like US court systems.
JW-dom is a mish-mash of scraps and relics of 140 years of theological detritus. While it's always been nonsense, at least in decades past it made a sort of internal sense. Nowadays it's just a jumble of this & that all mashed up that requires kluges like "overlapping generations" to patch disparate ideas together.
What Sir82 said. They have an obsession with legalism and nothing spiritually uplifting. -
ok.. I just hope that one day they are not going to start demanding we sign a legal agreement in order to remain members or get baptized. -
Your public baptism is the legal agreement per the WTS. They already exercise control over your life; if not then they give you the boot, df you.