It does seem to be very You Know-ish.
I guess the solid proof that it's him would be if there's lots of quotes from Lyndon Larouche. You Know lurved LL!
by Schizm 13 Replies latest jw friends
It does seem to be very You Know-ish.
I guess the solid proof that it's him would be if there's lots of quotes from Lyndon Larouche. You Know lurved LL!
I guess the solid proof that it's him would be if there's lots of quotes from Lyndon Larouche. You Know lurved LL!
Well, here's an exerpt from one of his essays:
Lyndon LaRouche and his Executive Intelligence Review (
EIR ) have researched declassified U.S. government documents from the period, which reveal that the Franklin Roosevelt administration was aware of the fact that European aristocracy was behind a plot to pit Soviet Communism against Nazism; as a pincer, in order to frighten the nations of Europe into dissolving their national governments to form a feudalistic super-state.
And guess where the "EIR" link in the quote above takes you? Can you spell LaRouche?
Yep. It's YK all right! This bit of the link you posted is pure YK. It's almost word for word what he said in one of his posts here:
As regards the succession of world powers from the Bible's perspective; the modern political expression of the iron and clay is embodied in the present Anglo-American dual world power. To this day, as the successor to the Roman Empire, London remains the capital seat of the most powerful oligarchy that has ever ruled this planet.
BTW, in case anyone is interested, YK is in the process of writing a book. I think he got jealous of Ramond Franz having written a couple of books and wants to follow in his footsteps. *LOL* Several of his followers (those who post on his site) have promised to buy his book, not only for themselves but for distributing to acquaintances. "To the making of many books there is no end." The prick!