Incidents of violent crime plummeted nearly 15 %

by apostate 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate

    I read this in the news on CNN's website today. Will the Watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes? What dou you think?

    CNN News -- Incidents of violent crime plummeted nearly 15 percent in 2000, the steepest one-year drop since the federal government began keeping track in 1973, the Justice Department said today
    (June 13, 2001).

  • peterstride

    The following is something I posted earlier today under another thread "Latest News you won't see in Awake".

    Just recently in the Toronto Star newspaper, I remember reading that in the past 15 years or so in Canada, while the crime rate has steadily dropped, the reporting of crime has increased somewhere on the order of 600%. An astounding figure.

    Something else I had read (I can't remember where) was one reason for the rising crime rates during the 60s, 70s, and 80s in Canada (and I'm sure this could apply to the US as well). In the past, when a crime happenned, it wasn't collected into a national databank.

    In the late 50s, it was decided to start keeping track of crime statistics. As you can imagine, these procedures were implemented with the large urban police stations first. Most Police Chiefs in small towns, didn't bother calling in their crime statistics. But, little by little, the new procedures were implementted and more and more police stations started callling in/mailing in their crime statistics.

    Then arrived the computer, and as more and more towns and cities were wired, more and more crimes were reported, thus giving the impression that the crime rate was actually going up. In fact, all that was happenning was that the crime information statistics were being better reported and recorded in a yearly databank.

    Once every police department in Canada was wired (which happenned sometime in the mid 80s) and no more new police stations came on-line...all of a sudden, crime rates started falling. Amazing!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • apostate

    My browser opens at CNN's web site. As soon I read the article I rushed to the board to share it with you.

    Well, I should have checked all the new posts first. Sorry guys!

  • peterstride

    Hey Apostate,

    I didn't post it as if to imply that you should read all the boards & don't be sorry! :-)

    I only posted it so that more people would get a chance to read it since the thread that you started was more appropriate to my post. I kinda used you....! LOL

    What part of Canada are you from?


    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • You Know
    You Know
    I read this in the news on CNN's website today. Will the Watchtower set it's dooms day clock back a few minutes? What dou you think?

    No, the doomsday clock is calibrated precisely. In actuality the lawlessness the Christ said would be increasing, in all probabiltiy, has to do with apostasy. So, you see, it is much later than you think! / You Know

    Read this. CLICK HERE >>>>>>>>>

  • apostate


    I can see it know! (I really shoud pay more attetion the next time I post) :) I live in Kitchener, not far from you.

    You Know

    Give me a break! It was calibrated precisely to the first week of October, 1975. Whasn't it?

  • logical

    Are we all going to die?

  • Scorpion


    We are dead already according to the prercisely calibrated doomsday clock YOU KNOW speaks of.


    Of course that clock needs a little adjusting just like the minds of the rank and file JW.

  • logical

    So this is the afterlife?

  • Roamingfeline

    Yeah, Logical. Ain't it grand?


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