please help me. Prostate cancer diagnosed.

by petespal2002 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Sorry to hear that you've had to face that ugly "C" word. I think it's safe to say that learning that would make ANYONE a bit nuts, but you've had some wonderful experiences on this thread that are VERY encouraging!!!

    Wishing you and your hubby all the best.....



  • Special K
    Special K

    ((( Louise ))))

    I don't know anything about prostate cancer. so I don't have alot to offer just a big hug and sorry for this happening to you and your husband.

    Seems to be some good books about it at here. I would definitely start doing alot of reading to start with.

    Make sure you have a note pad and pen on the table and whenever you think of a question that you want to ask the doctor about write it down before you forget it.

    When someone you love or know gets cancer it throws you into crises mode even if it is curable. Take care of yourself through this. Eat healthy, drink lots of water, try to get proper rest , take walks together and be gentle with yourself..


    Special K

  • sunshineToo

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that Louise. You and your husband are in my prayer.

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Louise and her husband}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • desertflower

    All good advice from many who have more knowledge than me but one thing you can do is look into remedies that have worked for others. I find results in Colloidial Silver. I have even lowered my PSA with it and a product called Prostavan from Melleluca. Good Luck.

  • Sentinel

    I don't have any first-hand information on this type of cancer iin my family. Long after the fact, word was that there have been a couple men on my job who had this, were treated for it, and are continuing to work. Men don't openly discuss this type of cancer it seems. Women discuss everything.

    It appears that it is treatable and the success for getting rid of it is very high. I wish you and your husband best wishes in dealing with this!


  • Hapgood

    (((((Louise & her husband))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Wishing you both all the best.


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