Does anyone out there now wear a cross or would you still feel guilty wearing one?
The Cross
by moses 19 Replies latest jw friends
My wife wears a star of David, and occasionally a cross. Big ole Puerto Rican flag on the car too...I'm proud of her.
Good question! I always wanted to wear a cross and after I left the JW's, I still felt quilty. But now I don't believe in God anymore. What would be the purpose?
I still believe in God ssf I just think everyone has taken different paths in showing their worship,by the way I am a big Beatle fan great name you chose.
I love the beatles!!! I could relate better to their music when I grew up instead of those boring Kingdom songs..
I remember when they counsled my brother and me for listening to the white album.
I remember years ago when a program at the assembly said we were to destroy music which was bad for the youth to listen too. My Mom got rid of alot of my beatles albums.......... But!!! Now I have them all. Sorry for getting off the track about the cross. Forgive me?
I don't think you did get off topic. When your Beatles albums were confiscated, I bet you were very cross!!
A cross was one of the first things I bought after I left the witnesses; no I've never felt even a tinge of guilt about it. The whole issue of cross or beam always seemed a tad asinine to me.
(I mean unless a couple AP photographers invented a time machine, traveled back in time and snapped a couple of pictures, how would anyone actually know for sure? And I'm pretty sure I would have noticed that on CNN.)
Adherence to the anti-cross dogma was just another control mechanism the cult used to control us by separating us from mainstream Christianity and society.
Oh and by way if digression, I too love the Beatles, especially the first and second anthology. I think it's in the beginning of the second anthology that has three or four tracks of just John singing Strawberry Field Forever -- amazing.