During the Rutherford and Knorr/Franz years, the organization was interested, not simply in numerical growth, but in REVENUE growth, and kids are a major impediment to pioneering. Don't lose track of the fact that the "ministry" is in effect, the "cover story" for their sales.
How many millions of publications does the WTS print annually? While "some brothers" may give the literature away for free, you can bet that the WTS is getting paid in full for their production. Production performed by slaves volunteers in tax free "religious" properties does not have to have a huge profit margin to be very successful. The Watchtower certainly isn't running hospitals or any other humanitarian service with their income - OH NO! "The Preaching" is the appropriate work for this time of the end.
Anyway, the WTS during it's last 90 years has discouraged childbearing to greater or lesser degrees, all justified by the urgency of these last days. They certainly have never ENCOURAGED childbearing.
Other organizations (LDS for example, the Mormons) are much more family oriented and also encourage education and wholesome activities for family members, unlike the WTS.
The WTS has always seen poverty, ignorance and fear as their ideal breeding ground - just like other religions. What the WTS didn't count on was the advent - not of an invisible spirit king - but of an invisible yet very real worldwide cafe called "the internet." The internet and this discussion board have done a lot to spread the truth about "the trooth?."
The WTS may be salivating over the possibilites that are offered by China, but before the WTS gets a good grip on China, the internet will get an even stronger grip, and WTS exposes will be made available in the original English and translated into other tongues.
Wherever the standard of living is climbing and the prospect of peace is growing, people will find they do not need pie-in-the-sky promises of "paradise any day now," especially when the message is delivered by a bunch of sociopaths who claim to speak for god.