I saw the ghost of Elvis on Union Avenue...

by TresHappy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    I called Memphis "home" for a few years in the late 70's early 80's. Lived just off of Getwell and I 240 (remeber the "Mellow Rebel bar?) Went to the hall at Sherwood and out at Hickory Hills too.

    Memphis was one hot town back in the day..... ya'all don't remember when the world ended at the "Parkways" and East Memphis and Collierville was a dairy farm...

    I knew a lot of JW's in town... I grew up in Dyer County and Memphis was in out circuit for years... If your a exjw Memphian over 43 I probably know you.... we were kids together....

    Hillbilly (wasted youth.... memories remain class)

  • teejay

    Great song. Got that one in mp3. Never been to Memphis but will head there one day. Maybe soon. I hear the bar-be-cue is fabulous. Think I'll skip the Mansion, though.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I saw the thread title and thought of the song immediately. Lord, I do miss the south.

    I drove through Memphis once. I didn't see the ghost of Elvis but I DID see a werewolf drinking a pena colada at Trader Vix.

    I do have a gold lame' Elvis christmas ornament and sometimes I think I see a tiny ghost of Elvis hovering around it. Or maybe that's the ghost of Mac.

  • Mac

    I ain't dead yet!!!!!!!!!

    mac (perhaps that apparition was the lycanthropic ghost of Warren Zevon ?)

  • FlyingHighNow

    I ain't dead yet!!!!!!!!!


    Getting technical now are we? Okay, maybe you were using smurf magic to astral project then.

  • Mac

    Last time I astrally projected was during a nasty bout with the flu..I also projectile vomited!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Are you sure that wasn't the ghost of an Elvis impersonator? I always wonder if they tend to hang on Union Avenue, too.

    I also projectile vomited!

    Gross...that must be what that tiny green puddle, on my beautifully wrapped christmas gift, was.

  • Mac

    You sure??......I thought I wiped that off!!


  • FlyingHighNow
    (perhaps that apparition was the lycanthropic ghost of Warren Zevon ?)

    Do you enjoy sending people to BrainyDictionary.com? Hmmmmm? Noooo, you must have hallucianted wiping it off.

  • Mac

    Just out of curiosity...who's gift did I leave the green puddle on?

    mac, hope ya didn't tell them I messed up their wrapping paper class

    *hey, wait a minute.yer messing with me....I never picked you in the secret santa exchange...that was somebody elses puddle and yer trying to make me feel bad!!.GRRRRRRR

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