by Aikon 67 Replies latest jw friends
Dansk did all that a human being could do to get his daughters out of the lie of Watchtower. But they were so entrenched in Watchtower indoctrination that thay did not listen to him.
So when YOU leave, all of you family will leave with you, without a blemish? Man, give me a break!!! What an asshole you must be to come on here and say the things you do. Do you have any idea what Watchtower will do to you when you leave? No. I thought not. Dansk has been through that, though. And it has been horrendous.
Please apologize to Ian for the accusations you have put forth.
Just one thing:
But I Know alot about Ians and Claires situation as I am not far from him!!!
I don't understand what you mean by this! I believe I only spoke to you in chat for the first time last night. You said you were from Yorkshire. How would you know of my situation "as you are not far from me?" Surely you only know about me from what you've read here?
If I had waited to leave when I had all my family with me, I would have died in the JW religion. I would have been unhappy with no life and no future. I would have let myself down and my children who love me, not to mention my Dad (who is not JW). I would have watched my life go by trying to get the family left in there. They would have only looked on me as a poor, poor spiritually weak person in the congregation who will never progress, because they would sense how unhappy I was. Would that do any good???? If they care to join me in the free world, I will welcome them with open arms. I will never regret leaving them behind. You only live once and it's up to you to make yourself happy, even if it means leaving behind your family in that cult....
Hi Guys
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This post has certainly got you all going!!!!!!!!!
First things first. Dansk, I also have married kids and I am responsible for them and thier familys in the W/T.
So far after 14 months two have so far become "inactive" the rest are asking the right questions???????
Me, I have patiently waited to leave for the past 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am not selfish, as I love my family and I do not wont it the the mind conttrol of the W/T. So I am not rushing out like a fool.
So it is easer to get them out from within, than with out........ And it is working..To get them out.
One day I shall post the full story..................................When we left the W/T...............(to be continued)..........
Also Dansk I am in Manchester alot for one reason and another and due to that I do hear what is going on, if only you read what Randy Watters had wrote (Ithink some one has posted it here) that is the pattern, I am working to.
Now the reason I said "Shame" is NOT a dig at Dansk, but it is a shame that his daughters are still under the mind control of the W/T, and many lukers come to this JWD, to be remined that they are under the mind contorl of the W/T and this is the ONLY sane site on the net, that enables them to see what is happening,(Thank you Simon) and when you read a post "SHAME ON YOU" then many of you, dont relise that hurts the lukers, as we also wont to be free from the W/T.BUT many have put their familys wellbeing first before there own,so they are not left behind in the W/T
Now, Guys I acsept every ones apoligies and I apologise to any one I may have offended,but now we can see the lukers point of view, why they still have to be in,and lets now put this post to bed and move on.
Love and kisses to All
We need not be bombastic and judgmental. That may work for some but it certainly doesn't for everyone. Patience can be a virtue.
as we also wont to be free from the W/T.BUT many have put their familys wellbeing first before there own,so they are not left behind in the W/T
Then you are not working at cross puposes with anyone except the JWs. Maybe your wording comes off sounding a bit too self righteous for your own good. Just like the above statement. Your pie in the sky world may include this as a possibility, but not even a statistical mean to any degree for the rest of us. If you are doing Jehovahs Anti Witness work on the inside then good! Just don't get offended when we tell the lurking real JWs to come out and play. Dansk's comments were not directed to you and the personal choices you appear to be making for lots of people, so don't sweat it.
District Overbeer
Well it is shame on me to them because i can't get my husband out. hug's Dansk KLS
" . . . What you have seem to forgot is your family????"
Aikon, if Dansk's kids are of legal age, he cannot do a single thing to get them out of the org but try to reach them with the truth. What exactly would you have him do? And what the hell are you waiting for when it comes to getting your family out?
I have 3 daughters, all under age still. Two of them see the truth and now only look at the meetings as a place to meet cute boys. The other, well, she still believes and it is a process to wing her from this mess called "Jehovah's messianic organization." I cannot rip her away without doing some real damage to her emotionally. Little steps are required, but I see that she is coming out of it. Some band-aids have to be taken of slowly, not ripped quickly.
Stop judging Dansk. You have walked into a hornet's nest.
Kind Regards,
Sorry Ian, Just let it go I guess. I am in the same boat as Ian, and many here are too. I got shunned as a result of asking the questions that led me to not believing in the Witness. Maybe many had their proof reveled in a silent way. I didn't. I had to dig and then I wanted to make sure I had dug in an honest way. As soon as I started digging the shunning started. In fact it was the shunning by my relatives and my sons that irritated me enough to take a stand and be a visible dissenter.
Before that I was a silent believing walkaway and not shunned.
Ian would be the last guy here I'd ever flame. GaryB