If You Were Never A JW What Type of Life Would You Think You'd Have Now?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • maxwell

    I went to college despite the fact that I was a JW, however, every decision I made about what to spend time on went through a JW filter. So if I had not been a JW, I might have developed some other interests a little more and that might have changed my skill set some. But I don't know for sure how that would have affected my life jobwise.

    I probably wouldn't have stuck with the no premarital sex rules of JW. I sometimes wonder whether I would have been mature enough to play safely. An unplanned baby or a STD can have very negative effects and will at least alter your planned path. But then I also wonder whether I would ever have gotten married had I been thinking freely. Perhaps not.

  • Scully

    I would have a different husband and different children.... the rest .... who knows?

    Love, Scully

  • Xena

    I'm kinda like PS...I am who I am because I was a dub and I like who I am now...that said up until we became dubs I was the pampered youngest daughter of an Air Force Officer....I probably would have grown up into a snotty bitchy spoiled self centered woman...so basically I wouldn't be much different than I am now

  • dustyb

    i'd be a porn star!! iono actually. i'm kinda glad that i was a JW, or else i wouldn't know a lot of great people that i know today.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I would have married the man I really loved. He was in the army and my Mom put a stop to that........ And I would have gone to college to become a teacher. I always wanted to be a mother hen to elementary students. How I wish things were different...

  • wannaexit

    I would have attended university and would have had more children.

    But I am done with the "what if's". I try to live my life in the moment.


  • Sentinel

    A very interesting question that I have pondered many times. Who can say. If I'd had the support and unconditional love of my parents, I would have had more self-esteem, and no doubt would have gone to college, and perhaps become a teacher or a doctor. I had an interest in both fields.

    The JW's came and my mom's rigid style, split my parents apart even more than they were--though they stayed married until dad died. Mom had a great influence on my life after she chose the JW belief system, and we trailed beside and behind her. No further education would be necessary. No one else in the family took an interest in us. We were just led by the rings in our noses.


  • donkey

    i would still be a loser.

  • Stefanie

    I think I would have gotten into singing or acting or something....

  • minimus

    If I wasn't raised a JW, I'd probably be like my dad and his family.......a partyer, a drinker, having a 9 to 5 job, not seek a college education, and still feel I was the best that a person could be........Wait a minute, that sounds almost all like me now!

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