It's funny when theists try to explain their superstitions.
A 10 year old child could spot the fallacies in your OP Abiather. Why can't you?
by abiather 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's funny when theists try to explain their superstitions.
A 10 year old child could spot the fallacies in your OP Abiather. Why can't you?
Though we can easily dismiss many of JWs teachings on many counts, the sad part is that we do not have any alternative.
Great answer Outlaw!
Whom can we trust? - oneself
Where can we turn to for protection? - the authorities
Next ...
abiathar - "Whom can we trust?"
Those who have proven themselves trustworthy.
abiathar - "Where can we turn to for protection?"
Perhaps learn to protect yourself?