Every day either on the way to work or coming home I pass people with signs begging on the side of the road. I'm curious if anyone here gives them money....I have from time to time, I tend to give more to women then men...I suppose I identify more with them...a kind of "under different circumstances that could be me" feeling I get...
by Xena 38 Replies latest jw friends
There's a cool old bum that stands at the end of the exit ramp where I work sometimes. He has a sign that says "I won't lie. I need money for beer". I've given him a 40 before.
I always see the same person.And maybe Im hard hearted but i figure if I can support myself, begining with nothing so can he.
Been there
If they perform I will support. If they just sit there with a sign........they can get a job.
Xena, I don't because there was a scam reported on the news around the LA area that the 'bums' were dropped off every morning at freeway exits, on ramps and busy intersections. Sometimes they rotated the 'workers' so it appears that whoever got there first got the spot. Anyway, the racketeers pick these guys up, collect their money, give them a cut and drop them off at paid hotel rooms, only to start out again the very next day.
I think I am doing my part by donating good clothes and other items I don't use to a womans organization...actually its a woman's shelter. I try also to help those I know personally and be kind and thoughtful to the handicapped/retarded workers at my place of work. Groceries or money to my friends in need is better for me to do rather than to a stranger.......... I also have contemplated taking in foster children when I am more able.
I should append that to say I mean a 40oz bottle of beer, not $40.
I know a lot of the panhandlers here, having worked w/ street kids for 3 years, and living downtown myself for a few years now.
Rarely do I have spare $$, but I do give what I can, when I can. Sometimes I'll bake a batch of cookies, or make some homemade bread sandwiches, and just go for a stroll, saying hello, ask folks if they'd like a cookie or sandwich.
There's all kinds of reasons why folks are panhandling - you really can't know unless you get to know them.
I think it's a personal choice, just give something if you want to. If you don't feel comfortable with that for whatever reason, but you want to help, well, Sally has the right idea. Give to a shelter or food bank.
And to those who think it's as simple as 'get a job', well, your lack of compassion is showing ... and it looks pretty ugly to my
I should append that to say I mean a 40oz bottle of beer, not $40.
gita's been printing his own money again! *LOL*
Ya sometimes I give them change...depends on my mood really and how many pennies are in the cup holder..
District Overbeer
I went through a phase where i put effort into helping a few street people. That experience cured me of it. I found out that, basically, that's where they want to be. For one old guy, who was in an abusive situation w a woman (he was getting abused), i got the police involved, went to court w him to help him get free. But, he went back.
Another person, very intelligent, hard worker, ended up on the street because of a breakdown from involvment w a married woman. I spent many hours w him. He got back on his feet, got jobs, took law courses to become a lawyer, got involved w another woman who was herself being abused. He pushed himself so hard, that he broke again. He also became a bit of a user of other peoples' kindness.
Bottom line, many beggars are programmed to be where they are. Your giving won't change anything for them, just maintain them. 'Course, this isn't true for all of them.
everyday I hear the people groan
why should we buy postage stamps
we can make our own
-Dead Milkmen