For 75 years, NBC and CBS have been under Satan's thumb

by onacruse 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onacruse

    In 1927, after a typically bilious convention speech, a pugnacious resolution, and aggressive booklet campaign, Rutherford's access to established national radio chains was severely curtailed.

    w3/1/34 74 (Also, in Jehovah [1934], pp. 63-65; and in the March 1, 1941 Watchtower, p. 75)

    At Toronto, before a large visible audience and one by radio, constituting a far greater audience, a message from the Lord?s Word in the form of a resolution and supporting argument was adopted and addressed ?TO THE PEOPLES OF CHRISTENDOM.? T he message broadcast on that occasion was afterwards printed and distributed by the millions to the peoples of earth and in many languages. Amongst other thing that message said was in substance this: ?The blessings so much desired by the people can never come through any unrighteous system of ?Christen dom? or any organization of so-called ?Christianity,? because the same forms a part of Satan?s organization, and that there is no reason for the people to give support to that hypocritical and oppressive system that blinds them, misleads them, and turns them away from God. Further, that in this hour of perplexity Jehovah God bids the peoples to abandon and forever forsa ke ?Christendom? and all of her misleading systems and organizations, bec ause all of these are o f the Devil?s organization.? (See Light, Book One, page 163) At the time of the delivery of that mess age commerce was at its zenith in operating fraudulent and oppressive schemes to get rich, and which were op pressive to the people. About the time of the delivery of that message men and women through the public press and by other means began a great croaking noise in the way of palaver an d talk and agitation, and wind-puffing, assuming great wisdom and making much noise about the ability of their various systems to bring about the desire of the people, the falsity of which the messa ge aforesaid exposed as being from Satan. Amongst these croakers were included the clergy and their newspapers, as well as the secular press. All of these things were the expression of human or man-made wisdom and all opposed to God?s kingdom under Christ. Included also amongst these croakers is the ?man of sin? class (Jannes and Jambres) who join with the public press and the clergy and other agitators to speak against Jehovah?s witnesses and against the message of truth delivered by them. Many who thought they were amongst God?s people were misled by these croakings and became offended at Jehovah and Christ and fell away, joining Satan?s organization openly. Some of these offended ones said in substance: ?Had the radio speech at Toronto been tempered with moderation the National Broadcasting Company would have permitted the continued use of its facilities to the Society.?

    A few other quotes:

    Life (1929) p. 345

    Today the clergymen of the land are exalted by the cruel and selfish commercial interests. The clergy are working exactly in harmony with the other two branches of the Devil?s organization. The great commercial interests, acting through their agency, the National Broadcasting Company, now blasphemously and flippantly announce that the religion of the Jews and of the Gentiles have been made one, and that the financial interests have brought together the rabbi, the Catholic priest, and the Protestant clergyman, so that all may speak one religion and all may use the facilities of Big Business to proclaim their message throughout the land, with the one proviso, that no one shall use or speak of any doctrine that is offensive to the other.

    Light 1 (1930) p. 168

    The public press, which is the tool and mouthpiece of the ruling powers, immediately thereafter sent up a cry or howl, as a result of the sting. The Toronto press the next day urged the legal department of the government to take immediate steps to deport the public speaker of the occasion who read the resolution, and then vigorously denounced the message that was delivered. The New York Times broke its silence, and for once screeched and howled against the truth and delivered the cries of the clergy. The National Broadcasting Company, another mouthpiece of the unholy alliance, joined in the howl and denunciation, and ever thereafter has refused to have its radio facilities again used in broadcasting the message of God?s Word of truth.

    w9/15/31 277

    The Lord God has provided the radio, but Satan?s organization desperately attempts to control the radio and to prevent the message of the kingdom from being broadcast. The radio monopoly of Satan?s organization, which owns and controls the National Broadcasting Company and the Columbia Broadcasting System, after much bickering absolutely denied the use of their facilities to the Lord?s people for the broadcasting of the message. The arm of the Lord is not made short, however. His consecrated ones began action to build up a radio chain broadcasting network to send forth the message from Columbus.

    Do the words 'tantrum' and 'persecution complex' come to mind?

  • Huxley

    Well..this would explain their lack of quality sitcoms.

    Now I can blame Lucifer himself for 'Friends'!

    Funny stuff Ona!


  • gitasatsangha

    so when I heard Punky Brewster in my head telling me to set the house on fire, i really WASN'T crazy..

  • onacruse

    Well, when you've got a looney like Woodworth whispering in your ear, it doesn't take long before you start seeing demunz lurking around every corner.

  • Satanus

    Well, i guess that explains why jws have 'abstained' from 'taking in' these 'satanic croakings' from nbc and cbs, by never listening/watching them, NOT. Thanks for bringing along these petrified male cow paddies, ona, showing what the wt is full of.


  • onacruse

    SS, I daresay that the Dateline program is just another example of "the physical facts prove" that NBC is of-the-Devil.

    Tomorrow night (assuming I'm not too worn out) I'll follow up with the "spin-control" that the WTS did on this whole thing, starting with the Qualified To Be Ministers history.

    It's simply amazing how easily they re-write history. But, without quotations at hand, let me just say that this "incident" was carried along in the Babylon and Revelation books as fulfillment of prophecy I think they've recently stepped back yet again, and rather generalized the whole "Revelation plagues/bowls" thing...but I'll have to double-check.

  • avishai
    I daresay that the Dateline program is just another example of "the physical facts prove" that NBC is of-the-Devil

    I guess paybacks are a bitch, huh? Don't forget that CBS also did a feature on JW's and child molestation, one person who was featured was Leanne Morley, from my old cong. I saw her molester out in service almost immidiately after getting out of prison. Oh, yeah, that would be the North Albany Oregon cong. Of Jw's, if anyones interested. Swell bunch of guys. If they've been waiting this long to get back at the wts, machiaveli was right. Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  • blondie

    Even this week's WT article has the phrase "we have benefited from the PROPER USE of radio." (caps mine).

  • minimus

    GREAT QUOTES!!!! WOW! The leadership has always believed that TV and radio are tools of the Devil! But to name them by name----CBS, NBC----my God!! ....................If these quotes don't show something's wrong with the Society's thinking----nothing will!

  • Carmel

    Craig, aside from the obvious, I find it interesting that the writing style of these quotes is several levels above what the contemporary rags (WT and AWK) are composed of. The last several decades have seen the dumbing down of the literature while Da Judge at least had a vocabulary.


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