I really did not know what to title this post so I just put how I felt. Where do I begin? Well due to my past experiences with religion. I feel a little bitter. So as of now I consider myself to be an agnostic. Well, me and a girlfriend were having a conversation about religion. I was pointing out to her the story of Elisha and the bethelite boys. Well to make a long story short she called her sister, who is a christian she thought she may be able to give me some insight. Well needless to say we never agreed and the conversation ended in her telling me that God would make me see and humble me down to the point of me never doubting him again to where bad things would happen to me and my family, and also if I died he'll torture me in hell, too. This conversation really made me feel awful because I am not trying to be an enemy of God. Im only questioning the reliability of the writers and the people who interpret it, and I am trying to come to a understanding of the higher power. Well , yesterday my brother was shot by his girlfriend fatally in the chest, and as soon as this news was given to me, my mind flashed back to what the christian lady had said, a couple of days, before this had happened. I do feel it is coincidental but at the same time I can't help but feel the doom I thought I was free from. Thanks for giving me a way to vent.
Sad but maintaining
by Lady_Kaye 17 Replies latest jw experiences
How terribly sad about your brother. Please try to shut out the voice of that woman. It's just a coincidence. You must know that the one who made us and left us here has much more love for us than controlling christians would have us believe. One of the only parts of the Bible I still believe is 1John 4:8: "He that does not love has not come to know God because God is love."
I have a brother who died. Some of the christians in the family believe he is in hell. I don't believe that garbage for one fraction of a second. Don't you believe that about your brother. Some man invented hell to control people thousands of years ago.
I don't have any answers for you Lady_Kaye. I am kind of numb and in limbo right now. But I feel for you and am sorry. Most of all I am sorry about what happened to your brother. How horrible.. ((((((((Lady_Kaye)))))))) Second of all, I am sorry for the timing of this for you. I don't personally know how I feel about religion right now. At this moment I am just not ready to trust any religion. What I do feel though is that if the bible is the word of God, then there still is the scripture about time and unforseen occurance befalling us all. So if that is what God said, then surely this happening to your brother had nothing to do with God. If there is no God, then there is no master plan for something devious to happen to you to punish you either.
I am sure there are others who are farther along in their healing and exit process who will have better words to say to you. But my heart hurts for you and I wanted to give you that cyber hug.
Lady Kay I echo Flying high now. So sorry about your brother. And hell is an unchristian doctrine, (JWs are at least right on that score!). The (un)christian lady seemed to be talking about bad karma coming your way, but this is an empty superstition and has no place in christianity.
I hope you are with kind friends and family right now.
I'm really sorry about your brother Ladykay! If it was an act of God trying to "humble you down and force you to believe" it is another Jehovah syndrom. Just like shunning, bound to backfire. This lady has as warped an idea of God as the witlesses do. I hope you can dissasociate yourself from the idea entirely..
BTW being an agnostic and skeptic is not a bad thing. Stay in that mode for as long as it takes to shed the stupid ideas that people have of "God". When you are at the point of wanting answers, then seek with an open mind an heart. Until then, abstinance from religion is healing. I wish you the best.
Lady Kaye
Look at the atrocities committed in the bible.....nations butchered man, woman and suckling child. Hitler and a hundred more who were as bad or worse through the ages. The GB and many others who have knowingly misled millions sometimes even being responsible for their death....do you think a loving God would punish you for having doubts or questions.
Do you think mankind is closer in comprehension and understanding to an ant or to God?
The obvious answer is an ant ..right.
Now think about it...how petty and cruel would God be to give us the limited understanding of an ant in comparison to himself and then hold us responsible for our mistakes.....
When you look at the Universe and all creation does it seem possible that the same Intelligence that did all that would be so unreasonable dealing with us and punish us for being exactly the way he has allowed us to become?
Don't punish yourself...guilt is a hard thing to shake but you do not deserve it and deep down you know it.
I'm sorry to hear the terrible news.
Well needless to say we never agreed and the conversation ended in her telling me that God would make me see and humble me down to the point of me never doubting him again to where bad things would happen to me and my family, and also if I died he'll torture me in hell, too.
This is a horrible thing for anyone to say. Noone can tell you how another person (real or not) feels about you. God didn't speak to her and tell her that he's going to make your life hell. She doesn't have a beam shining on her from God, and neither do any of us. We have no clue what God is thinking, or even if he's real because he doesn't speak to us. All we've got is the bible. Some say that the bible speaks for god, but others say it's just a story book. Only you can figure out what that book means to you.
I'll tell you something, I also question God's existence, and whether the Bible is an inspired book, or just a collection of funny stories. My life is going pretty good from what I see. I've discovered that I don't need to worship something to be happy. According to your "friend", I should be crippled, losing my hair, in constant pain, ugly, depressed, and lonely. I should be a miserable sack of shit because I don't believe in God. But I'm very much the opposite.
People will affect your lives only if you allow them to -- These are the words I live by.
Take good care of yourself.
Thanks everyone
...do you think a loving God would punish you for having doubts or questions.
I am so sorry Lady_Kaye. You are in my thoughts...
((((((Lady Kaye))))))
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please don't feel as if God is punishing you. I don't believe he is the "vengeful" God that the JW's lead you to believe.