And the UK's justice system is so much better than the US' because why?
Paedophilia expert abused girls
by Elsewhere 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Want to talk about absolutely horrific: read this article from
Man convicted of raping infant
Saturday, March 13, 2004 Posted: 8:38 PM EST (0138 GMT)TAMPA, Florida (AP) -- A jury has convicted a man of raping a 9-month-old girl and leaving her for dead in the woods.
Jurors on Friday rejected Randolph Standifer's insanity defense and found him guilty of kidnapping, sexual battery of a child younger than 12 and attempted murder in the second degree.
Standifer, 23, will be sentenced to life in prison, the only penalty allowed by law when a child younger than 12 is raped.
The baby's mother allowed Standifer to spend the night in her trailer home in September 2001. The next morning, she discovered that Standifer and her baby were gone.
Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies found Standifer, who confessed to raping and strangling the baby. He led them to woods where deputies found the baby still alive.
The victim, now 3, bears scars from the rape and a colostomy operation. She and her two older siblings live with their aunt and maternal grandmother.
Before the rape, the mother said, Standifer sometimes went fishing with her husband.
During the trial, mental health experts testified that Standifer as a child was repeatedly molested and shocked with a cattle prod by a neighbor.
Although jurors believe Standifer was mentally ill, "We believed he knew it was wrong, because he covered it up," juror Susan Groce said.